Tree-aggregated compositional analysis for high-throughput sequencing data
tascCODA extends the scCODA model (Büttner, Ostner et al., 2021) with a method to perform sparse, tree-aggregated modeling of high-throughput sequencing data. Hereby, tascCODA can infer credible changes on the features (i.e. cell types/ASVs/taxa) of a high-throughput sequencing dataset, as well as effects on subgroups of the set of features, which are defined by a tree structure, for example a cell lineage hierarchy or a taxonomic tree.
The statistical methodology and benchmarking performance are described here:
Code for reproducing the analysis from the paper is available here.
Running the package requires a working Python environment (>=3.8).
This package uses the tensorflow
) and tensorflow-probability
) packages.
The GPU computation features of these packages have not been tested with tascCODA and are thus not recommended.
To install tascCODA via pip, call:
pip install tasccoda
To install tascCODA from source:
Navigate to the directory that you want to install tascCODA in
Clone the repository from Github:
git clone
Navigate to the root directory of tascCODA:
cd tascCODA
Install dependencies::
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install the package:
python install
Import tascCODA in a Python session via:
import tasccoda
You can then import a dataset in the same way as scCODA (see here for an instruction on scCODA's data structure)
Once you imported your dataset, add a toytree tree object, for example generated from a Newick string, as data.uns["phylo_tree"]
Then, initialize your analysis object, together with your formula and reference feature (see the scCODA documentation for explanations).
To set the aggregation bias, pass "phi"
as a key in the pen_args
`model = tasccoda.tree_ana.CompositionalAnalysisTree(
Then, run HMC sampling with dual-averaging step size adaptation by calling:
`result = model.sample_hmc_da()`
Finally, you can look at result.node_df
to find credible effects of covariates on tree nodes
or plot a tree with indicators for credible effects with result.draw_tree_effects()