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Preprocessing of amplicon sequencing reads via a 4-step cutadapt workflow

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This repository hosts a snakemake workflow for trimming and QC of paired-end fastq files. The trimming is done in four steps using cutadapt.


Use conda to create and activate the software environment required to start the workflow:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate amp-multi-cut

Note: If you don't have conda installed, please visit the conda docs for instructions and installation links.

Running the workflow

This workflow is meant to be downloaded from its Github repository, either by cloning or downloading a release tarball from the release page.

After you've downloaded the workflow (and installed the software environment, see above) you run the workflow from the root of the amplicon-multi-cutadapt directory (where this file is located). Since this is a Snakemake workflow you need to run the snakemake command from the terminal to start it.

To try it out in practice you can run the following:

snakemake --profile test

This will run the workflow on a small test dataset (the actual data is under test/data/).

Note: After the workflow completes, trimmed and processed fastq files can be found under the results/cutadapt/ directory.

The way that the --profile flag works is that it allows you to specify a folder containing configuration parameters for snakemake. In this case it points to the test/ subdirectory where the file config.yaml specifies the command line options to use with snakemake.

In addition to the test profile, the workflow comes with pre-configured profiles for:

  1. running locally on your own computer
  2. running on HPC clusters with the SLURM workload manager (e.g. the UPPMAX cluster)

To use them you specify --profile local and --profile slurm respectively. So if you're running on your local computer simply do:

snakemake --profile local

and if you're running remotely on a SLURM cluster do:

snakemake --profile slurm

Configuration files

There are a few more configuration parameters you can set that will influence how the workflow runs. The default values are specified in the file config/config.yaml:

# DEFAULT CONFIG PARAMS IN config/config.yaml
    threads: 16
    expected_read_length: 251
data_dir: "data"
sample_list: ""

As you can see, these parameters define e.g. the primers to use and the expected read length for your data. If you need to change these settings you can either update the config/config.yaml file directly, or make a new one and set your parameters there. Then you need to point snakemake to the new config file with --configfile <path-to-your-config-file>.yaml on the command line.

Getting your data into the workflow

The workflow searches for fastq files under a directory specified by the data_dir: config parameter. By default, this parameter is set to data/. One easy way to integrate your own data is to symlink a data delivery folder inside data/. For instance say you have data delivered to a directory /proj/delivery/P00001/, then you can either symlink that folder into data/:

ln -s /proj/delivery/P00001 data/

or you can make a config file (in yaml format) that contains:

data_dir: /proj/delivery/P00001

then run the workflow with --configfile <path-to-your-config-file>.yaml

Sample list (when you have a lot of samples)

If you have a lot of samples it can take a long time for the workflow to locate each R1/R2 input file. This can slow down even so called dry-runs of the workflow and make it difficult to work with. In that case you may want to create a sample list that specifies each sample and the respective R1/R2 file paths so that the workflow doesn't have to do this search on every instance.

To generate such a sample list first make sure you've set the data_dir parameter correctly so that it points to a directory containing your data, then run snakemake with samples/sample_list.tsv added to the command.

Let's try that in practice for the test dataset:

snakemake --config data_dir=test/data --profile test samples/sample_list.tsv

Here we specify data_dir=test/data on the command line instead of in a config file. This is generally not recommended because config files make it easier to track what parameters have been used, but for this example it's ok.

The workflow will now locate all the R1/R2 fastq-files under your configured data_dir path and create a tab-delimited file called sample_list.tsv under the directory samples/. Using the samples/ directory is required at this step, as is the .tsv suffix, but otherwise you can name the file anything you like, so e.g. snakemake --profile test samples/my-sample-list.tsv will also work.

Note that if you're using a separate configuration file you have to update the snakemake call above to include --configfile <path-to-your-configfile>.

You only have to generate this sample list once, and then you can make the workflow use the sample list by updating your configuration file with:

sample_list: samples/sample_list.tsv

QC of reads

If you want to get a QC report for the processed fastq files you can add the file pattern results/multiqc_4.html to the snakemake call, e.g.:

snakemake --profile test results/multiqc_4.html

This will output a MultiQC report at results/multiqc_4.html. Here the _4 part means that this is a report for fastq files produced from the 4th cutadapt step (see bottom of this README for explanation of the different steps). You may also ask for a qc report from either of the other steps (1-3), but be aware that if you've already run the workflow to completion this will force the workflow to rerun the intermediate steps since intermediate fastq files are removed when the workflow finishes.

Explanation of the cutadapt steps

The workflow processes fastq files in four consecutive cutadapt steps:

  1. Discard all reads with the Illumina TruSeq adapters in either the 5' or 3'
    end of sequences.
  2. Search for and trim primer sequences from the start of reads in R1 and R2 files using forward and reverse primers, respectively. Remove any untrimmed read. This step is done with additional settings --no-indels and -e 0 in order to only accept perfect matches.
  3. Discard any remaining reads that still contain primer sequences.
  4. Trim reads to a fixed length. This length is calculated by subtracting the length of the longest primer from the read length defined by the expected_read_length: parameter under the cutadapt: section in the config file (default value is 251).


Preprocessing of amplicon sequencing reads via a 4-step cutadapt workflow






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