This is RMA Hunter — a web-based tool to systematically analyze and correct reference minor alleles in variant calling data. The tool provides a complete list of all potentially interesting RMAs that are not called in the sample analyzed or found reference homo-/heterozygous, as well as all reference-synonymous variants called in the RMA loci. All variants are annotated with correct pathogenicity predictions and reference allele frequencies.
To start, please upload your VCF file and (for exome sequencing or target sequencing assays) a BED-file containing enrichment intervals. To analyze only specific genes of interest, please enter a list of genes (separate with comma or a newline) in the box provided.
Barbitoff YA, Bezdvornykh IV, Polev DE, Serebryakova EA, Glotov AS, Glotov OS, Predeus AV, Catching hidden variation: systematic correction of reference minor allele annotation in clinical variant calling, Genetics in Medicine 2018, 20(3), 360–364.
git clone && cd RMAhunter
gzip -d data/RMA_Annotations_NoESP.csv.gz data/RMA_Neighbor_Variants_WithEffs.csv.gz
chmod +x exec/*
./exec/ [input vcf-file] [Optional arguments]
Optional arguments:
-f Path to `input.vcf` file
-v Show log [N or Y]. Default: Y
-c Report coding only [N or Y]. Default: Y
-g Analyze specific gene set [Comma separated list of genes]
-m Allelic frequency cutoff. Default: 0.01
-o Output dir name
-z Show non-calls [N or Y]. Default: Y
./exec/ input.vcf
./exec/ -f input.vcf -c 0 -m 0.05 -o results
./exec/ -f input.vcf -g TLX1NB,USP17L25,TCP11X2,SFRP1,CAP1
Install Node.JS, npm, forever. Example (ubuntu):
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt install -y nodejs npm
npm install forever -g
npm install
Instead of forever
, you can use nodemon
sudo npm install -g nodemon
Compress HTML, JS and CSS files
Make demo samples
gzip -d data/example.vcf.gz
cp data/example.vcf /tmp/demo.xvcf && touch /tmp/demo.xbed
./exec/ demo Y N 0.01
Starting web-server on port 8915
nodejs ./exec/hunter.js 8915 # for debug
forever start ./exec/hunter.js 8915 # for production (using forever)
nohup nodemon ./exec/hunter.js 8915 </dev/null & # for production (using nodemon)
If file data/RMA_Annotations_NoESP.csv
has been updated, you need to create a file with a list of genes for the web version:
echo "exports.e = {" $(
echo $(
cat data/RMA_Annotations_NoESP.csv | \
awk -F "," {'print $6'} | sort | uniq | \
awk '{print "\""$1"\":true"}'
) | sed 's/ /,/g'
) "}" > exec/genes.js
If you have any questions, please contact Yury A Barbitoff (barbitoff at bioinf me) or Alexander V Predeus (predeus at bioinf me).