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The Biome SDK

This project aimed to enhance habitat development experience by providing additional hab-commands.


Quick Start

Use in Biome Studio

Add to .studiorc or run manually in studio:

# By default all required tools like shellcheck, bats are not installed automatically.
# This reduces install time and adds flexibility.

bio pkg install -fb biome/bio-sdk
bio pkg install -fb core/shellcheck
bio pkg install -fb ya/tomlcheck

Install as CLI

Make sure you have required binaries, like shellcheck.

sudo bio pkg install -fb biome/bio-sdk

Use in build process

Update your

# Make sure you have required binaries, like `shellcheck`.
pkg_build_deps+=(biome/bio-sdk core/shellcheck)


do_prepare() {
  bio-plan-shellcheck $PLAN_CONTEXT


Optionally you can add plan.toml file into $PLAN_CONTEXT, near the file or in parent directory.

Plan Configuration principles are:

  • Each section name maps to a corresponding bio-plan-<thing> cli.
  • Each command line option maps to corresponding option inside the section
  • Configuration applies in the following order (last wins):
    • Default Options (sane defaults are embedded into cli)
    • User Options (provided by plan.toml)
    • Command line options (specified by user in command line)
  • For each list-like option:
    • add-list and remove-list options are generated
    • Final list option is generated by add-list - remove-list formula.
  • Some options are actually path options. You can use globs:
    • - exactly file
    • */habitat/ - files in any directory with the habitat sub-directory
    • src/**/ - files in src and its sub-directories. On huge trees can be slow
    • All file path-s are either expanded to a full path or treated from $PLAN_CONTEXTs directory

Configuration Example

Here is plan.toml example:

# Name of the bio-plan-<thing>
# Debug can be turned on separately for each cli
debug = true

# You can glob outside of context
add-path = ["../../*.sh"]

# Remove applied after add. `hooks` directory by default added. You can exclude hook
remove-path = ["hook/annoying-hook"]

# Make shellcheck also exclude SC2154
add-exclude = ["SC2154"]

# By default shellcheck has the following excludes:
# ['SC1090', 'SC1091', 'SC2034']
# I don't want to ignore SC1090, so remove from exclude list:
remove-exclude = ["SC1090"]

# check also all toml files in the config directory
add-path = ["config/*.toml"]

# Make bio-plan-render to print templates to stdout
print = true



Validates your toml files using tomlcheck.


Validates your shell scripts using shellcheck


Renders and test your configuration. By default bio-plan-rendercheck renders all configuration to results/tests/render/default directory.

bio-plan-rendercheck works with suites - directories with or without files. By default it uses tests/render/* directories relative to plan context. If no suites found emulates empty default one.

For each suite bio-plan-rendercheck tries to load user.toml, mock-data.json, default.toml from suite directory, suites' parent directory or from plan context directory. Each suite bio-plan-rendercheck renders templates into results/tests/render/<suite> For each suite bio-plan-rendercheck compares using diff rendered files in results/tests/render/<suite> with tests/render/<suite> in plan context.

If expected template or config is absent it safely ignored.

You can test different scenarios using suites. Let imagine we need to test 3 configuration scenarios for a package:

  • standalone - configuration with most defaults
  • cluster - mode for service rings
  • custom - custom user configuration for some edge cases

Create suites directories:

mkdir -p tests/render/{standalone,cluster,custom}

Create mock data files. We can share same file by creating it in the suites' parent directory:

vim tests/render/mock-data.json

# But for cluster suite we want another mock-data
vim tests/render/cluster/mock-data.json

Create custom user configuration:

vim tests/render/custom/user.toml

Run rendering:


On success you will get number of rendered files:


Now inspect files. If they are ok we can easily convert them to expected templates:

cp -r results/tests tests

Now suites contain configuration files so bio-plan-rendercheck will compare expected and actual.


This command helps to mirror/sync Habitat/Biome SaaS Builder with another Builder, usually on-prem one.

  1. It mirrors whole channel from specified origin
  2. It skips artifacts already exists in dest builder
  3. It does not create any temporary artifact files and safes disk space
  4. If package exist on destination it ensures that package promoted to specified channel
bio-depot-sync (options)
        --cache FILE                 Sync cache for resume to work. Default: /tmp/bio-depot-sync.json
        --channel CHANNEL            Channel to mirror. Default: stable
        --dest-auth-token TOKEN      Destination auth token to use.
        --dest-depot URL             Destination depot to sync artifacts from. Default:
        --latest-release             If true - copy only latest release for each version.
        --latest-version             If true - copy only latest version for each package.
        --origin ORIGIN              Origin to mirror. Default: core
        --read-timeout TIMEOUT       Timeout for Net::HTTP operations. Default: 120.
        --source-auth-token TOKEN    Source auth token to use.
        --source-depot URL           Source depot to sync artifacts from. Default:

Usage example:

bio pkg install -fb ya/bio-sdk
for origin in core habitat chef ya; do
  echo bio-depot-sync --origin $origin --dest-depot $builder_url --dest-auth-token $auth_token --latest-version


Possible commands:

  • TODO: bio-plan-bats
  • TODO: bio-plan-inspec
  • TODO: bio-plan-delmo
  • TODO: bio-plan-format - is it really needed?
  • TODO: bio-plan-precommit - integration with precommit?
  • TODO: bio-plan-service - service management lifecycle during build (for tests: up deps, run test, up main service, run test, down, etc)


  • Better TUI


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.