#Gradle plugin for encrypting and decrypting A Gradle plugin that exposes the tasks:
These tasks uses the cryptographic algorithm AES (with CBC and PKCS7Padding) to encrypt or decrypt.
##How it works
Once you've applied the gradle-crypto
plugin you will have access to these tasks in your project. TaskInput and TaskOutput is used for transferring data back and forth to the tasks.
###Applying the plugin
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.biowink.clue.gradle.crypto:gradle-crypto:1.0'
apply plugin: 'gradle-crypto'
###Encrypting a string
Create this build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.biowink.clue.gradle.crypto:gradle-crypto:1.0'
apply plugin: 'gradle-crypto'
project.tasks.encrypt.inputs.property('plaintext', "Hodor! Hodor, hodor?".bytes)
project.tasks.encrypt.doLast {
println "project.tasks.encrypt.ext.secret.ciphertext: ${project.tasks.encrypt.ext.secret.ciphertext}"
println "project.tasks.encrypt.ext.secret.ciphertextLength: ${project.tasks.encrypt.ext.secret.ciphertextLength}"
println "project.tasks.encrypt.ext.secret.key: ${project.tasks.encrypt.ext.secret.key}"
println "project.tasks.encrypt.ext.secret.iv: ${project.tasks.encrypt.ext.secret.iv}"
println "project.tasks.encrypt.ext.secret.plaintextLength: ${project.tasks.encrypt.ext.secret.plaintextLength}"
Run the encrypt task via gradle encrypt
###Decrypt a string
Create this build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.biowink.clue.gradle.crypto:gradle-crypto:1.0'
apply plugin: 'gradle-crypto'
ciphertext: [61, 55, 120, 55, 93, 105, -50, 104, 0, -20, 73, -75, -107, 127, -111, 118, 58, -85, -74, 62, 100, -14, 52, 52, -74, -27, 125, 70, 20, 28, -108, -93] as byte[],
ciphertextLength: 32,
iv: [120, 11, 53, -81, 37, 52, 17, -88, -92, -84, -127, 105, -88, 55, 83, -128] as byte[],
key: [-112, 124, -54, -125, 99, -29, -24, 17, 38, -62, 98, 101, 8, -17, -120, 20] as byte[],
plaintextLength: 20,
project.tasks.decrypt.doLast {
println "project.tasks.decrypt.ext.plaintext: ${new String(project.tasks.decrypt.ext.plaintext)}"
Run the encrypt task via gradle decrypt
Just run gradle test