Enjoy your thougths about your favorite shows, and stay tunned with pop culture universe.
Aniside is blogging platform focused on pop culture content production. Our objective make the old and good blog format rise again, providing an intuitive interface, nice performance and user experience; but mainly, giving to creator a total controll about your content and their public, together with a bunch of tools in order to facilitate the way how they publish their thoughts.
Want to test Unform before using it?
ps: not available with React Native Web or Expo Web, use the iOS/Android devices in Expo Snack.
We’re using GitHub Discussions to create conversations around Unform. It is a place for our community to connect with each other around ideas, questions, issues, and suggestions.
If Aniside currently doesn't have a certain feature you think it's awesome, be sure to check out the roadmap to see if this is already planned for the future. Otherwise, we recommend you create a discussion describing your enhancement request.
Thank you for being interested in making this package better. We encourage everyone to help improve this project with new features, bug fixes, or performance improvements. Please take a little bit of your time to read our guide to make this process faster and easier.
To understand how to submit an issue, commit and create pull requests, check our Contribution Guidelines.
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MIT © Bitshaft