Import into surreal db using command line
switch ofxargs
is number of surrealdb import threads. I found that on my laptop with 4 cores and 8 threads. 5 import threads was fastest. So what is worth use 1.25x number of your physical cores.
cargo run -r -- export --btc-rpc-url "" --btc-rpc-user "bitcoin-surrealdb" --btc-rpc-pass "o4ka4wx3i0wxar0bec2w1sm9h" --no-db-transaction -z | xargs -0 -n1 -P5 sh -c 'for arg do echo "importing " "$arg" " ..." ; surreal import -e "http:/" -u root -p root --namespace test --database bitcoin-main "$arg" ; echo "removing " "$arg" " ..." ; rm "$arg" ; done' _
Experiment --from-height=820000 --block-count=10
-> 170M
The current blocks (height 820,000) take ~17 MiB per block. That leads
to total size about ~10 TiB. That's impractical for any personal use which is
necessary for privacy so I'm abandoning using SurrealDB for my needs.