This is Bitmaker's guide to setting up a development environment on a Mac for the Web Development Intensive course. If you are using Linux (or need to install Linux in place of Windows), please refer to this guide instead.
Linux and Mac are required for this course. Using Windows for the course is not recommended at all. Note that the instructions for Linux will be different from what's described here.
This process should take about 1 hour to 1.5 hours to complete, depending on the speed of your machine and your internet connection.
This guide is written assuming you are running OS X El Capitan 10.11 or later. These instructions may still work for OS X 10.9 or 10.10, but is not guaranteed. You should upgrade to 10.11 before proceeding. We'll be waiting for you right here.
If you're a new developer and you haven't installed any development tools before, you can skip the next two paragraphs and go straight to the next step: XCode and Command Line Tools.
This guide assumes that you're using bash shell, which is the default shell for the OS X Terminal. We also assume that you use .bash_profile
to setup $PATH
and other environment variables. If you use a different bash config file, be sure to substitute it where appropriate below.
We need to install the tools that allow us to compile programs specifically for your machine. These are provided by Apple and are pretty easy to install.
Open the Terminal program. You can find it in the Other folder in Launchpad.
Enter the following command on the terminal command line.
xcode-select --install
It will pop up a dialog box like the following.
Click Install to proceed. It is going to take a few minutes to complete.
To prove that it successfully installed, run xcode-select -p
. It should show the directory where Xcode is installed.
By default, when you view a listing of your files with the ls
command, hidden files won't show up (i.e. files beginning with a '.'), nor will the details about each file appear. More often than not, we want to see those details, so let's alias ls
to show these details everytime we use ls
Enter the following from within your terminal:
echo "alias ls='ls -al'" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Next we'll install Homebrew, a package manager which we'll use to install most of our other required command-line tools. It's a much more convenient alternative to compiling the code ourselves from source.
To install Homebrew, copy, paste and run the following at the command line:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
You'll have to enter your Mac password to install Homebrew.
Once it's installed, run:
brew doctor
to make sure Homebrew installed correctly.
If brew doctor says Your system is ready to brew
, then everything worked properly and you can skip the following step "Your system is not ready to brew" and proceed straight to Try out Homebrew. Lucky you.
You might see something like this:
This is a problem. Let's fix this by moving the bin directory that Homebrew sets up for us ahead of every other folder specified in PATH. Run the following:
echo export PATH='/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
This will create a .bash_profile
config file which is read and executed each time a new terminal is opened. To apply changes made to this file, you can either restart terminal (ghetto mode), or run source ~/.bash_profile
If you see other issues, try reading the instructions carefully and doing what they suggest. If brew doctor
continues to issue warnings you can contact an instructor for help. You can also post a question in the #askusanything channel on Slack.
Try Homebrew out by installing wget
brew install wget
In the future, run brew update
to get the latest Homebrew formulas, and brew upgrade
to update to the latest versions of installed applications.
You don't need to run these commands right now because you've already just installed the latest and greatest!
Command-line executables are searched by going through each folder in the $PATH
variable, one by one in the order listed. As soon as an app with the same name is found, it stops searching the rest of the folders. OS X comes with built-in apps (and you might have your own apps installed prior to this), but we often want to use newer versions instead. To make sure the newer version gets 'picked up', we need to ensure that the symlinked Homebrew /bin folder comes before other system folders. To see the PATH directories, run
echo $PATH
Homebrew packages are downloaded and installed in /usr/local/Cellar/
by default, and symlinked into /usr/local/bin
. This folder will not be overridden the next time Apple releases an incremental OS X update.
If you're a new developer and this section didn't make much sense to you, don't worry about it; you'll pick it up in the fullness of time.
- How do I get a list of Homebrew packages that are installable?
- How do I get a list of currently installed Homebrew packages?
- How do I update an existing package?
(You'll probably have to read the Homebrew documentation to answer these questions.)
Download VS Code. Remember to drag the app from your Downloads
folder into your Applications
folder to install it into your system. Double click to launch it and take a look around.
VS Code is the text editor we recommend for the course. Other alternatives are Atom, Sublime Text 3 and Textmate 2.
Now that you've installed VS Code, you might also want to set it as your default system editor by running the following command from any directory in your terminal:
echo 'export EDITOR="code -w"' >> ~/.bash_profile
We may need to manage multiple versions of Python during the course. Run the following in your terminal:
brew update
brew install pyenv
Additionally, run the following to ensure your command line works nicely with pyenv:
echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
List the possible Python installations:
pyenv install --list
Choose the latest version. Scroll up - it should just be a version number without any prefix or suffix. Eg. 3.7.1
, not 3.7.1-dev
or pypy3.5-6.0.0
pyenv install 3.7.1
pyenv global 3.7.1
python --version # <-- should output 3.7.1, or whatever version you installed.
To check that you'll be able to install new Python packages using pip, run:
pip -V
If you see a version number, you're good to go!
is a tool that allows each project you create to separately manage its Python dependencies. We'll be using it throughout the course.
brew install pyenv-virtualenv
Lastly, to get pyenv
, which manages our Python versions, working nicely with virtualenv
echo 'eval "$(pyenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
Let's test that everything works together!
pyenv virtualenv my_first_env # create an environment
pyenv activate my_first_env # activate the environment
pyenv deactivate # deactivate the environment
pyenv uninstall my_first_env # type 'y' or 'yes' and press enter when prompted
PostgreSQL is awesome. Prefer it over MySQL if you have the choice.
The easiest way to install this is via Download it, drag it to the applications folder, and then double-click to launch. While it's open, the database server is running (it adds an elephant icon to your taskbar). When you close it, the database server shuts down.
Install the Postgres command-line tools as follows:
echo 'export PATH=/Applications/$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
Close and reopen Terminal, and then run:
psql --version
It should say something like:
psql (PostgreSQL) 9.5.4
For more information: Postgres Documentation
You need to have Django installed in order to create new Django projects. After the project is created (or if you're working with an existing Django project), you'll be using the bundled versions of Django specific to your project.
pip install Django
Never run sudo in front of these pip commands, or it may install to the wrong folder.
Django might take a while to install. When the installation is done, you can look at your installed Python modules by running
pip list
Verify that Django is there and that the version is at least 2.1.4
. Run:
django-admin --version
It should say (at least) 2.1.4
You should create a directory where you can put all of your work. Run:
mkdir ~/Documents/work
This will create a work
directory inside the OS X Documents
folder. The words 'directory' and 'folder' are interchangeable. 'Folder' is the word generally used by non-technical people and 'directory' is the word generally used by technical people. Now that you are being initiated as techies, we'll use the 'directory' term!
The ~
symbol refers to your Home Directory. You should put all of your work for this course inside the work directory, or some other directory of your choosing if you have another preference.
Go inside your work directory:
cd ~/Documents/work
and then make a new Django project:
django-admin startproject my_awesome_app
This step will probably take a few minutes the first time you create a new Django project. The next time, it'll run much faster.
Next, go into your new project directory
cd my_awesome_app
then run:
python runserver
Visit http://localhost:8000
in your browser. If you see the The install worked successfully! Congratulations! page, congrats – Django works!
You can type ctrl + c
into your terminal to stop the Django application.
In this course, you're going to be running the python runserver
and ctrl + c
commands very, very often, so go ahead and memorize them now!
Finally, you can open up the project files in VS Code with the following command:
code .
The .
symbol means 'this directory', so the command means 'open VS Code in this directory'.
Poke around the project files as much as you like. Soon we'll be learning all about what makes a Django app tick. Isn't it exciting?
Now, close the editor and continue to the next step.
To keep your work directory clean, let's delete the new project you just created.
You are currently in your project directory. Check that by running:
It should say something like /Users/username/Documents/work/my_awesome_app
Let's go back up one directory, to your work directory.
cd ..
Double check where you are:
It should say something like /Users/username/Documents/work
Double check the contents of the directory
If you've followed all the directions so far, there should only be single item called my_awesome_app
. Go ahead and delete this project, it has served its purpose.
rm -r my_awesome_app
Be careful running this rm -r
command! It's a command you need to learn, but always double and triple check what you're deleting. More information on the rm -r command
People can (and have) deleted their entire computers by misusing
rm -r
. Be extra careful! It's one of the most dangerous commands you can run.
First you'll need to setup your GitHub account.
Go to and register a free account with your usual email address.
git comes with OS X but it's typically an older version. Let's get a newer one.
brew install git
Then run:
git --version
It should say something like git version 2.9.2
. The version number should be >= 2.9.
Next, tell Git your name so that your commits will be properly labelled. Substitute your actual name for YOUR NAME
, of course.
git config --global "YOUR NAME"
Now tell Git the email address that will be associated with your Git commits. This email address should be the same one that you registered with Github. Subtitute it for YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS
git config --global "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"
More information: Github documentation on setting up Git
SSH keys are definitely a better setup to use with Git than HTTPS. This is so you don't have to type your password every time you push. Don't worry if these terms don't mean anything to you right now, you'll eventually learn what they are during your journey as a developer.
First let's make sure you don't already have existing SSH keys on your computer.
ls -la ~/.ssh
It should say something like ls: /Users/username/.ssh: No such file or directory
With Terminal still open, run the following. Be sure to subtitute your Github email address.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS"
When you are prompted to Enter file in which to save the key
, just press Enter to continue and it will use the default filename id_rsa
You'll then be asked to Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase)
. Enter a very good, secure passphrase (be sure that it's something you can remember).
Go ahead and memorize that passphrase now because it'll be needed again soon, in the Test the Connection step.
Next you'll be asked to Enter same passphrase again
. Do so. You sould then see something like:
Your identification has been saved in /Users/user/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/user/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 4096]----+
| |
| . |
| . . o o |
| o . o o ..o |
| o o *.S .. .. |
| o o.B..o oo.. |
| .. ...Bo o.+o.o|
|. Eoo oo....o..oo|
| oo=. ....o+o++.|
And it means we can move onto the next step.
For more information: Github documentation on generating SSH Keys
Copy the SSH key to your clipboard.
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/
Follow these steps to add the copied key to your Github account.
- In the top right corner of Github, click your profile photo, then click Settings.
- In the user settings sidebar, click SSH keys.
- Click Add SSH key.
- In the Title field, add a descriptive label for the new key. For example, if you're using a personal Mac, you might call this key "Personal MacBook Air".
- Paste your key into the Key field. (
) - Click Add key.
For more information: Github documentation on adding your SSH Key to your account
Open Terminal and enter:
ssh -T
You will see something like:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:nThbg6kXUpJWGl7E1IGOCspRomTxdCARLviKw6E5SY8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Type yes
and then press Enter.
Next, a window like the following should pop up:
Make sure the Remember password in my keychain box is checked.
Then type in the passphrase that you used to generate the SSH Key, and press OK.
If you see the following, then your Github account has been set up properly!
Hi username! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not
provide shell access.
If you receive a message about "access denied," please see an instructor for help.
Whew, you're done installing a working Django development environment! Now take a break, you deserve it!