The BitMax Exchange has stopped supporting these APIs since August 1, 2020 onward.
APIs from this document have been deprecated. Please use the BitMax Pro API instead.
BitMax Pro API is the latest release of APIs allowing our users to access the exchange programmatically. It is a major revision of the older releases. The BitMax team re-implemented the entire backend system in support for the BitMax Pro API. It is designed to be fast, flexible, stable, and comprehensive.
The BitMax Exchange will stop supporting API v2 from August 1, 2020 onward.
You are invited to use our v2 APIs for improved API design and better support for margin trading. Please note that v2 APIs are still in beta testing and are subject to futher improvements.
Please visit:
- Added support for margin trading
- Added new API (v1) for obtaining bar history, with performance improvements.
- Added symbol and order side filter to the cancel all API.
- Added new API (v2) for retrieving historical orders.
- Added support for additional order types: market, stop_market, stop_limit
- Added new order Time-in-force instructions: good-till-canceled (GTC), immediate-or-cancel (IOC)
- First release
- Support RESTful and websocket APIs