Simple Multiblog builds upon the awesome blog, Simple, and adds multiple author functionality. We loved the simplicity in UI/UX but we traded portions of the architectural sugar for additional features. However, we think the code base is still pretty easy to follow. Props go to Simple, Obtvse, and Dustin Curtis' Svbtle for an awesome chain of inspiration.
Simple Multiblog is maintained by Ryan Macy and Eric Haughee under the name bitrot.
####Short list of feature additions
- UI and backend support for multiple authors
- Gravatar integration
- Disqus integration
- Logout functionality (WIP; Simple and Simple-MB use basic auth making logout dicey but in turn authentication simple)
- Data model for Authors (users) in addition to Posts
First clone the repo: git clone git://
Install Gunicorn with PIP: pip install gunicorn
Descend into the simple-multiblog directory: cd simple-multiblog
Install dependancies: pip install -U -r .requirement
Create the config: python
And you're good to go!
(To add users run python
Quick Note: The -w flag for gunicorn signifies how many processes (read workers) you want to start. The recommended amount of workers is 2x the number of cores per CPU.
####With NGINX
To deploy, install & setup NGINX. See how to configure NGINX with Gunicorn here.
Navigate to your simple-multiblog directory and start some gunicorn processes: gunicorn -w 4 -b unix:/tmp/gunicorn.sock simple:app -D
####Without NGINX
To deploy without NGINX, navigate to the simple-multiblog directory and start some gunicorn processes: gunicorn -w 4 -b simple:app -D
Caveat! gunicorn is very susceptible to denial-of-service attacks without a proxy buffer like NGINX.
####Flask Development Server
Naviagate to your simple-multiblog directory and run: python
to start the development server.
with your favorite editor and change app.debug = False
to app.debug = True
to turn on the development features of Flask.
The server will automatically reload when it detects a code change when app.debug = True
is set.
You can see the blog live @ bitrot.
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