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Logary is a high-performance, semantic logging, health and metrics library for .Net.
- Full support for Semantic Logging
- F# idiomatic code
- Using C#? Then
is for you! - Looking for an F# alternative to
? Jump toLogary.Facade
. - Never throws exceptions
- Low overhead logging – evaluate your Message only if a level is switched on
- Supports Hierarchical logging
- Add metrics to your service/app!
- A wide range of adapters and targets to choose from!
Created by Henrik Feldt, et al and sponsored by qvitoo – A.I. bookkeeping.
nuget Logary
Install-Package Logary
- Logary v4
- Why?
- Install it
- Table of Contents
- Hello World (C#)
- Hello World (F#)
- Overview
- Tutorial and Data Model
- Console logging
- Using logary in a library
- Using in a C# library
- InfluxDb Target
- RabbitMQ Target
- File target (alpha level)
- Stackdriver target (alpha level)
- AliYun Log Service target
- Microsoft Azure Application Insights target
- EventStore adapter
- FsSQL adapter
- Suave adapter
- Topshelf adapter
- Comparison to NLog and log4net
- Comparison to Codahale metrics & Metrics.NET
- Comparison with Serilog
- Rutta
- Target Maintainers Wanted!
- Building
- Contributing
- Commercial Targets
- Getting MissingMethodException from FSharp.Core
- Getting MissingMethodException from Hopac.Core
- Is v4.0.x a stable version?
- Isn't v4.0.x supposed to be API-stable?
- Why does Logary depend on FParsec?
- Why do you depend on Hopac?
- How do I use Hopac from C#?
- What's logVerboseWithAck, logWithAck and how does it differ from logSimple?
- License
using Logary;
using Logary.Configuration;
using Logary.Targets;
// snip
// NuGet: Install-Package Logary
string loggerId = "Logary.MyLogger";
using (var logary = LogaryFactory.New(loggerId,
// You could define multiple targets. For HelloWorld, we use only console:
with => with.Target<TextWriter.Builder>(
conf => conf.Target.WriteTo(System.Console.Out, System.Console.Error)
// Then let's log a message. For HelloWorld, we log a string:
var logger = logary.getLogger(Logary.PointNameModule.Parse(loggerId));
logger.logSimple(Logary.MessageModule.Event(Logary.LogLevel.Info, "Hello World!"));
open System
open NodaTime // conf
open Hopac // conf
open Logary // normal usage
open Logary.Message // normal usage
open Logary.Configuration // conf
open Logary.Targets // conf
open Logary.Metric // conf
open Logary.Metrics // conf
open System.Threading // control flow
let randomMetric (pn : PointName) : Job<Metric> =
let reducer state = function
| _ -> state
let ticker pn (rnd : Random, prevValue) =
let value = rnd.NextDouble()
let msg = Message.gauge pn (Float value)
(rnd, value), [ msg ]
let state = Random(), 0.0
Metric.create reducer state (ticker pn)
let main argv =
// the 'right' way to wait for SIGINT
use mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false)
use sub = Console.CancelKeyPress.Subscribe (fun _ -> mre.Set())
// create a new Logary; save this instance somewhere "global" to your app/service
use logary =
// main factory-style API, returns IDisposable object
withLogaryManager "Logary.Examples.ConsoleApp" (
// output to the console
withTargets [
LiterateConsole.create (LiterateConsole.empty) "console"
] >>
// continuously log CPU stats
withMetrics [
MetricConf.create (Duration.FromMilliseconds 500L) "random" randomMetric
] >>
// "link" or "enable" the loggers to send everything to the configured target
withRules [
Rule.createForTarget "console"
// "compile" the Logary instance
|> run
// Get a new logger. Also see Logging.getLoggerByName for statically getting it
let logger =
logary.getLogger (PointName [| "Logary"; "Samples"; "main" |])
// log something (
eventX "User with {userName} loggedIn"
>> setField "userName" "haf")
// wait for sigint
Logary is itself a library for metrics and events with extensible inputs, adapters, and outputs, targets. Further, its services run as their own processes or in Suave.
- Logary – the main logging and metrics library. Your app depends on this.
- Logary.CSharp - C# facade that makes it more object oriented.
- Logary.Facade - single file to use in your F# library.
- Logary.Targets (from Logary into DBs and monitoring infra):
- DB – write logs into an arbitrary database: SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, sqlite and so on...
- DB.Migrations – uses FluentMigrator to create and then upgrade your DB between versions of Logary.
- Heka – ships Events and Metrics into Heka.
- InfluxDb – ships Events (as annotations) and Metrics into InfluxDb.
- Logstash – ships Events and Metrics into Logstash over ZeroMQ.
- Mailgun – ships Events over e-mail – send yourself warnings, errors and fatal errors via Mailgun.
- Riemann – ships Events (as a 1-valued gauage) and Metrics into Riemann.
- Shipper – ships Messages (Events/Metrics) to the
above) - ApplicationInsights - ships Messages (Events/Metrics) as trace items to Microsoft Azure Application Insights
- Logary.Adapters (from X into Logary):
- CommonLogging – moar abstract logs into Logary.
- EventStore – EventStore logs into Logary.
- Facade – receiver for
logs. - FsSql – FsSql logs into Logary.
- Hawk - Logibit's Hawk logs into Logary.
- log4net – lets log4net log into Logary.
- Suave – ships Suave to logs into Logary.
- Topshelf – ships Topshelf logs into Logary.
- Logary.Metrics (from environment into Logary):
- WinPerfCounters – an API to access Windows Performance Counters.
- Logary.Services (stand-alone functionality):
- Rutta – a godly service of three:
- Ships Windows Performance Counters to the
, pushing via a PUB or PUSH ZeroMQ socket. - Proxies
between theShipper
and theRouter
, listening on a ZeroMQ XSUB/XPUB socket. - Routes
to Targets, listening on a ZeroMQ SUB or PULL socket.
Note that the shipping feature is its own target as well. Why? So that you can send logs in an efficient, high-performance manner between machines, without going through a potentially destructive mapping to another serialisation format or through another log router (Heka, Logstash) which also may change your data structure.
- Ships Windows Performance Counters to the
- SQLServerHealth – a service that keeps track of IO/latency performance for highly loaded SQL Servers
- SuaveReporter – a well-maintained Suave WebPart that you run as a part of your Suave server, that enables you to use logary-js.
- Rutta – a godly service of three:
The core type is Message
, which is the smallest unit you can log. It has
three kinds of point values: Event
, Gauge
and Derived
. An event is
normally a single line of code and carries a template string. E.g. "User
logged in" is an event's template string, and the Message
would have a field
"user" => "haf".
A point is a location where you send a metric or event from. Usually a module; in mature projects you also often have the name of the function that you log from as a part of the point name.
What you expect: "User logged in"
with a field "userName"
, "haf"
An instantaneous value. Imagine the needle showing the speed your car is going or a digital display showing the same instantaneous metric value of your car's speed.
An event is the most simple gauge of value 1.
A derived value from one or many gauges.
It means that you can have one Rule
at level Info
for namespace
and another Rule
that matches loggers at MyCompany.Submodule
which allows Messages of level Debug
to go through.
A normal use-case for this is when you want to debug a particular module, by increasing the verbosity of its output (decreasing its log level).
Rules are 'optimistic' by default in that if at least one (or more) rules match a given Message
the most "open" will decide if it gets logged. So if you have two rules:
withRules [
Rule.createForTarget "console" Info
Rule.createForTarget "console" Debug
Then the Debug
level will "win" and show log output. More generally, a Rule
looks like this:
/// A rule specifies what messages a target should accept.
[<CustomEquality; CustomComparison>]
type Rule =
{ /// This is the regular expression that the 'path' must match to be loggable
hiera : Regex
/// This is the name of the target that this rule applies to.
target : PointName
/// This is the level at which the target will accept log lines. It's inclusive, so
/// anything below won't be accepted.
level : LogLevel
/// This is the accept filter that is before the message is passed to the logger
/// instance.
messageFilter : MessageFilter }
You can find the configuration in the module with the same name. The
value is a null one that accepts all logs from anything.
The highest log level is Fatal
, which should be reserved for things that make
your service/process crash. Things like; "my disk is full and I'm a database
trying to start", or "I'm a 2-tier service built with a database, that I cannot
do any work without" warrant the Fatal
At this level human beings are normally directly alerted.
The next level is Error
, which should be reserved for what you consider to be
edge-cases. E.g. if the data received from a socket is corrupt, or there was an
unhandled exception that you as a programmer did not have in your mental model
while writing the code. These events should be logged at the Error
At this level human beings are normally directly alerted.
is for things like 100 failed password attempts within 5 minutes, for
one of your users, or a temporary network glitch while communicating with a
"resource" such as your database.
If these events for an anomaly persist over time, humans may be alerted.
At Info
level, I like to put events and gauges that measure company-relevant
stuff, like when users sign in, sign up, an integration has to perform a retry
or a service was started/restarted.
level is the default level and the work-horse. You normally log all
metrics at this level.
is the level when you want that little extra. Not normally enabled.
Message fields may be interpolated (injected) into the template string of an
. The word "template" is used, because the template string should not
vary between requests/users, but be a 'static' string, that can be hashed and
used for grouping in your logging infrastructure.
When reading legacy code, you'll often find code like:
logger.LogInfo("User {0} logged in",
In Logary, it could look like this:
Message.event Info "User logged in"
|> Message.setField "user"
|> Message.setFieldFromObject "picture" user.bitmap
|> Logger.logSimple logger
Note how the event's template string is a compile time constant, but a field representing the user's name is added to the message.
By doing it this way, we can be sure that the structured log data remains structured.
The second function setFieldFromObject
is used when the compiler complains
that setField
finds no available overloads.
Let's say you have a module in your F# code that you want to log from. You can either get a logger like shown in Hello World, or you can do something like this:
module MyCompany.Sub.MyModule
open Logary
let logger = Logging.getCurrentLogger ()
let logInUser () =
// do something
Message.event Info "User logged in" |> Logger.logSimple logger
// do more stuff
If you want to name your logger with a specific name, you can use
instead. (This is different for the Facade file)
Similarly, sometimes you want to log from a class, and perhaps log some metrics too.
namespace MyCompany.Sub
open Logary
type Worker() =
let logger =
Logging.getLoggerByName "MyCompany.Sub.Worker"
let workAmount =
PointName [| "MyCompany"; "Sub"; "Worker"; "workDone" |]
let getAnswers (amount : float) =
// work work work
42 * amount
member x.Work (amount : float) =
// Initially, log how much work is to be done
// the only "supported" metric is a gauge (a value at an instant)
// and a derived metric (something you've computed from gauges)
Message.gauge workName (Float amount) |> Logger.logSimple logger
// do some work, logging how long it takes:
let everything = Logger.time logger (fun () -> getAnswers amount)
// return result
In this example you learnt how to send arbitrary metrics to Logary (the gauge) and also how to time how long certain method calls take in your system.
Make it a habit to log these sort of gauges all over your code base while you write your code, to make it much easier to understand the system as it develops.
In fact, the more you do this, the more use you will have of Logary and of the dashboard you put up in Kibana (via Logstash) or Grafana (via InfluxDb). Put it up on a big TV in your office and you'll develop a second sense of whether the system is doing well or not, just from looking at the graphs.
Logary supports templating through FsMessageTemplates. All you have to do is write your templates like:
Message.event "Hi {user}!"
|> Message.setFieldValue "user" "haf"
This enables targets that support templating to output them 'filled out'.
Message Templates are a superset of standard .NET format strings, so any format string acceptable to string.Format() will also be correctly processed by FsMessageTemplates.
- Property names are written between
braces - Braces can be escaped by doubling them, e.g.
will be rendered as{
- Formats that use numeric property names, like
exclusively, will be matched with theFormat
method's parameters by treating the property names as indexes; this is identical tostring.Format()
's behaviour - If any of the property names are non-numeric, then all property names will be
matched from left-to-right with the
method's parameters - Property names may be prefixed with an optional operator,
, to control how the property is serialised - Property names may be suffixed with an optional format, e.g.
, to control how the property is rendered; these format strings behave exactly as their counterparts within thestring.Format()
In the previous section you saw how to create a gauge at a point in your code, but sometimes you need a metric that runs continuously over time.
This is possible because Logary contains code that can both tick your metric's computation function at a regular interval, and also has provisions for sending your metric other metrics, so that you can chain metrics together.
The ticker
is where you return Messages (Gauge or Derived values) to
keep track of how 'far along' you've reached, in order to avoid returning the same
messages multiple times.
The reducer
is what allows your metric to receive values from other metrics,
or from your system-at-large – like the above showcased Gauge logging.
Let's create a metric that just outputs a random walk. Start by opening the relevant namespaces and modules.
open System // access to Random
open Hopac // access to Job
open Logary // access to the Logary Data Model
open Logary.Metric // access the module functions for metrics
Now you can start thinking about what the metric should do and implement the
ticker : 'state -> 'state * Message list
// we'll assume the state is the Random instance and previously outputted
// value:
let ticker (rnd : Random, prevValue) =
// calculate the next value based on some heuristic or algorithm
let value =
let v = (rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 0.3
if abs v < 0.03 then rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5
elif v + prevValue < -1. || v + prevValue > 1. then -v + prevValue
else v + prevValue
// create a new Message/Gauge metric with this value
let msg = Message.gauge pn (Float value)
// return the new state as well as the Messages you want to feed into
// Logary
(rnd, value), [ msg ]
Remember that you also needed to supply a reducer. In this case, the random walk metric doesn't have any input from other metrics, so let's just return the same state as we get in:
let reducer state = function
| _ ->
We also need to create some initial state, so that our metric has someplace to start computing:
let state =
let rnd = Random()
rnd, rnd.NextDouble()
Let's write it all up into a Metric that the consuming programmer is free to name as she pleases:
let randomWalk (pn : PointName) : Job<Metric> =
Metric.create reducer state ticker
Finally, we'll tell Logary about our metric and extend our "Hello World" sample with shipping metrics into InfluxDb:
// open ... like above
open System.Threading
let main argv =
use mre = new ManualResetEventSlim(false)
use sub = Console.CancelKeyPress.Subscribe (fun _ -> mre.Set())
let influxConf =
InfluxDb.create (InfluxDb.InfluxDbConf.create(Uri "", "logary", batchSize = 500us))
use logary =
withLogaryManager "Logary.Examples.MetricsWriter" (
withTargets [
Console.create (Console.empty) "console"
>> withMetrics [
MetricConf.create (Duration.FromMilliseconds 500L) "henrik" Sample.randomWalk
>> withRules [
Rule.createForTarget "console"
Rule.createForTarget "influxdb"
>> withInternalTargets Info [
Console.create Console.empty "console"
|> run
Now when run, your metric will feed a random walk into InfluxDb listening on
The above example was self-sufficient, but you sometimes want to create derived metrics from events or gauges happening inside your own application.
This sample demonstrates how to create a derived metric from other simpler ones. It generates an exponentially weighted moving average from login gauges. The login gauges are sent one-by-one from the login code.
open Logary
open Logary.Metrics
open Hopac
let loginLoad : Job<Stream<Message>> = job {
let! counter = Counters.counter (PointName.ofSingle "logins")
let! ewma = Reservoirs.ewma (PointName.ofSingle "loginsEWMA")
do! ewma |> Metric.consume (Metric.tap counter)
return Metric.tapMessages ewma
By wrapping it up like this, you can drastically reduce the amount of code a given service sends by pre-computing much of it.
It's also a good sample of reservoir usage; a fancy name of saying that it's an algorithm that works on more than one gauge at a time, to produce a derived metric.
More documentation on derived metrics to follow! (including how to register them in Logary).
Console logging is only meant for human consumption; don't rely on it for logging in your actual services. As such, Logary is able to do improvements to its console target, so that it's as good as possible for human consumption.
Generally, we have Message -> Colouriser -> Writer
. Here the Message
what is fed from callers and metrics into the target. The colouriser has a
signature alike Message -> (string * Colour) list
, which maps some projection
of the message into the domain of strings and their corresponding colours; i.e.
actual colourised lines of output.
It's the Writer
that takes the string-colour pairs and display those on the
terminal like so (string * Colour) list -> unit
The console target supports different themes. A theme is a subsystem of the
colouriser that takes a Token -> Colour
. Different themes makes for different
The above guide serves to explain how you use Logary in a service or application, but what if you have a library and don't want to take a dependency on a specific logging framework, or logging abstraction/indirection library?
For this use-case, Logary provides F# facades that you can easily reference
using Paket. I've created a sample
library for you
to have a look at. Note how paket.references
specifies Facade.fs
as a file
dependency. The corresponding paket.dependencies
contains the entry below.
github logary/logary src/Logary.Facade/Facade.fs
If you don't want to add a github reference, you can also choose to copy-n-paste the file into your project. As long as you don't change the public API surface area, you'll be fine (i.e. don't make breaking changes).
In my Rakefile I have a small replacement script that sets the library's
namespace inside the referenced Facade.fs
ruby -pi.bak -e \
"gsub(/namespace Logary.Facade/, 'namespace Libryy.Logging')" \
Or in FAKE style:
Target "LoggingFile" (fun _ ->
ReplaceInFiles [ "namespace Logary.Facade", "namespace Kafunk.Logging" ]
[ "paket-files/logary/logary/src/Logary.Facade/Facade.fs" ]
Now add to paket.references
(replace Logging
with a folder name of your choice,
or remove to have Paket not place the (single) file in a folder within the project):
File: Facade.fs Logging
Inside the library you use the logger just like you'd expect:
module Libryy.Core
// Note: this library has no reference to Logary proper!
open Libryy.Logging
open Libryy.Logging.Message
let work (logger : Logger) =
logger.warn (
eventX "Hey {user}!"
>> setField "user" "haf"
>> setSingleName ""
>> setTimestamp 1470047883029045000L)
let simpleWork (logger : Logger) =
logger.logSimple (Message.event Error "Too simplistic")
Or statically:
module Libryy.Core
open Libryy.Logging
open Libryy.Logging.Message
let internal logger = Log.create "Libryy.Core"
let work () = (eventX "Started work")
Any service/application that uses Libryy
does reference the Logary
and Facade
nugets, e.g.:
nuget Logary
nuget Logary.Adapters.Facade
The calling service/application then creates a new Logger
specifically for the
library that it aims to ship/extract logs from.
// opens ...
open Logary.Adapters.Facade
// let main ... =
use logary =
withLogaryManager "Servizz.Program" (
withTargets [ Console.create Console.empty "console" ]
>> withRules [ Rule.createForTarget "console" ])
|> run
// for the statics:
LogaryFacadeAdapter.initialise<Libryy.Logging.Logger> logary
// calls Librry.Logging.Global.initialise ( new logger inst )
// if you need a Logger instance:
let logger = logary.getLogger (PointName.ofSingle "Libryy")
let res = (LoggerAdapter.createGeneric logger)
W 2016-08-01T10:38:03.0290450+00:00: Hey haf! []
user => "haf"
By default, the Facade has a global console logger that logs at Info
The reason for this is that people normally expect output to come in the
'just installed' case, without hunting for \*.Logging.Global.initialise
If you look inside Facade.fs
you'll find that LoggerEx
has error
, info
etc... as extension methods on the Logger
interface and that these are marked
internal to the library you're working inside.
, info
and so on are actually message factories that take a LogLevel
and return a Message
. By using them like this logger.error (eventX "templ")
you're only evaluating the constructor for Message
if and only if the level of
your logger is greater or equal to error
If we were to expand the point-free style (eta-expansion), it would look like
this: logger.error (fun level -> Message.eventX "templ" level)
, i.e. what you
pass to the error
extension method is a factory function, and the Message
module provides gauge
, event
and eventX
to create the different kinds of
Using the event-templates, you can pass more information to be logged:
with ex ->
logger.error (
eventX "Unhandled exception for {user}"
>> setField "user"
>> addExn ex)
Note the placeholder {user}
for the user's name in the event template. By
default these will be printed to the console, and if you use
you may use all the templating features of
MessageTemplates for plain-text targets.
, the adapter for the library Facade, works by
generating a dynamic interface implementation at runtime. It doesn't work very
well if your library is being used from the F# interactive and all the
library's code, including the Logger
interface is only available in the
interactive state. You'll end up with a StackOverflowException
if you try
However, the beauty is that when you're in the interactive, you can just let the library handle logging through the default Facade targets; i.e. you don't have to initialise Logary proper to use and read logs in the console, from the Facade.
The F# facade has gone through two versions; have a look at how versioning is
managed by browsing the unit tests. The Facade aims to be 100% stable, even
across major versions of Logary. The adaptation is done in
, which can afford to take some amount of complexity to
keep the Facade itself clean. It's also here you should look if you want to
optimise the translation of Facade types into Logary types.
You're trying to assign some other Logger interface implementation to the
target. The line LoggerAdapter.createGeneric<'loggerType> logger
from above is
what you can use to create a logger of the correct type.
It will generate a new instance of the library's logger type, as long as that logger type correctly implements the Facade.fs interface.
- Facade.fs – the actual file that gets imported into your library.
- Facade unit tests – the unit tests for the facade file.
- Facade Adapter – the facade adapter (advanced code)
- Facade Adapter unit tests – the unit tests for the adapter, which are also good documentation on how to use it.
In your lib:
github logary/logary src/Logary.CSharp.Facade/Facade.cs
This file will be updated when you do 'paket restore', so if you make changes
to this file, remember to put them back in (e.g. via git checkout --
) when
you're done with the restore
or update
In your composition root:
nuget Logary
nuget Logary.Adapters.Facade
Have a look at examples/Cibryy
for an example of usage of the C# facade.
- Facade.cs – the actual file that gets imported into your library.
- The Logary Facade Adapter
- Events will be logged to InfluxDb like such:
"{pointName},event={template},ctx1=ctxval1,ctx2=ctxval2 field1=fieldval1,field2=fieldval2 value=1i 14566666xxxx"
- In other words, fields will be influx values and context fields will be influx tags.
- The timestamp of the Message will be at the end as the timestamp of the sent line
- Events will be logged in these influx measure names, so that you could e.g. put
as an annotation in Grafana:event_verbose
I've written a full RabbitMQ target that includes publisher confirms and durable messaging. It's fully usable from C# too (since C#-ists like RMQ), through the builder API.
Docs are in this code – and you'll find the code fairly readable.
let rmqConf =
{ RabbitMQ.empty with
appId = Some "Logary.ConsoleApp"
username = "appuser-12345"
password = "TopSecret1234"
tls = { RabbitMQ.TlsConf.certPath = "./certs/mycert.pfx"
RabbitMQ.TlsConf.certPassword = Some "AnotherSecret1243567" }
|> Some
compression = RabbitMQ.Compression.GZip
Then inside withTargets
RabbitMQ.create rmqConf "rabbitmq"
And the Rule for it:
Rule.createForTarget "rabbitmq"
Logary's file target is primarily geared towards systems that are running on single machines as it prints a human-readable format, rather than a machine- readable one.
The default configuration of the file target rotates log files greater than 200 MiB and deletes log files when the configured folder size is larger than 3 GiB.
Folders that don't exist when the target starts are automatically created on target start-up in the current service's security context. Should the calls to create the folder fail, the target is never started, but will restart continuously like any ther Logary target.
let fileConf =
{ File.FileConf.create logDir (Naming ("{service}-{host}-{datetime}", "log")) }
// ... withTargets [
File.create fileConf "file"
// ] ...
Or in C#:
file => file.Target.Naming("{service}-{host}-{datetime}", "log").Done())
You can specify a number of deletion and rotation policies when configuring the file target. The deletion policies dictate when the oldest logs should be deleted, whilst the rotation policies dictates when the files should be rotated (thereby the previous file archived).
Furthermore, you can specify a naming specification that dictates how the files sould be named on disk.
- Deletion of files happen directly when at least one deletion policy has triggered.
- Rotation of files happen directly when at least one rotation policy has triggered.
- Naming specifications should automatically be amended with sequence number, should that be required.
The File
target is a performance-optimised target. Logging always happens on
a separate thread from the caller, so we try to reach a balance between
throughput and latency on ACKs.
On Windows, overlapped IO is not used, because the files are opened in Append mode, should have equivalent performance. This means we should have similar performance on Linux and Windows.
The formatters used for the File
target should be writing to TextWriter
instances to avoid creating extra string copies in memory.
The file target is thought as a last-chance target, because by default, logs should be shipped from your nodes/machines to a central logging service. It can also be nicely put to use for local console apps that need to log to disk.
- Non-target-fatal
s, for example when NTFS ACKs file deletes but still keeps the file listable and available for some duration afterwards are retried on a case-by-case basis. Internal Warn-level messages are logged. - Fatal
s – more other cases; directory not found, file not found, etc. are not retried. The target should crash and restart. Its current batch is then retried forever, while logging internal Fatal-level exceptions.
- The
target is modelled as a transaction log and trades speed against safety that the contents have been written to disk, but does not do the bookkeeping required to useFILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFER
. Fatal
level events are automatically flushed/fsync-ed.- Only a single writer to a file is allowed at any given time. This invariant exists because atomic flushes to files are only possible on Linux up to the page size used in the page cache.
- Only asynchronous IO is done, i.e. the Logary worker thread is not blocked by calls into the operating system. Because of the overhead of translating callbacks into Job/Alt structures, we try to write as much data as possible on every call into the operating system. This means that Messages to be logged can be ACKed in batches rather than individually.
- If your disk collapses while writing log messages (which happens once in a while and happens frequently when you have thousands of servers), the target should save its last will and then retry a configurable number of times after waiting an exponentially growing duration between each try. It does this by crashing and letting the supervisor handle the failure. Afterh exhausing the tries, the batch of log messages is discarded.
- If there are IO errors on writing the log messages to disk, there's no guarantee that there won't be duplicate log lines written; however, they're normally timestamped, so downstream log ingestion systems can do de-duplication. This is from the batched nature of the File target.
- You write a
from your call-site, this message is synchronised upon between the sending thread and the receiving thread using Hopac.
i. If you use one of the logWithAck
functions, placing the message in the
can be awaited (or NACK
ii. If you use the logSimple
function, the synchronisation is hoisted onto
the concurrency scheduler's pending queue and raced with a timeout to be
discarded if the logging subsystem is overwhelmed.
Once the
is in theRingBuffer
of theFile
target, it's either removed by itself, or as part of a batch, to be serialised to string. -
The serialisation function reads through the values of the message and uses the formatter function to write those values into a
. TheTextWriter
is normally aStreamWriter
writing to aFileStream
. This means no extra strings need be created through concatenation. -
Depending on the
configuration flag, theTextWriter
either supports buffering, which buffers the string inside the CLR process, or writes directly to the underlying file handle, which transitions the data to the kernel's ioctl subsystem. By default we don't buffer here. -
Depending on the
configuration flag, theFileStream
is or is not called withFlush(true)
, which forces a disk synchronisation. By default we let the page cache buffer these writes, to trade safety against throughput. This is similar to how most other targets work.Depending on the
s written with theFile
target is only ACKed when they are durably on disk. Defaults to true.
Note that disposing Logary, e.g. during application exit flushes all buffers.
I've been considering supporting
but this would require callers to possibly wait for the 4096 bytes buffer to
fill up before ACKing messages. However, for low-throughput logging, where each
log line may be around, say, 240 bytes of text, having the NO_BUFFERING
set may end up losing us more than it gains us.
These runs illustrate the above points in a more direct manner. In all of these cases we're writing 10K events to disk.
This is the safest option and takes 1.3 seconds to log, format and write 10K messages.
I 2016-11-08T11:04:00.6125063+00:00: Event 1 [Logary.Samples.main]
number => 1
[12:04:02 DBG] Flushing to disk.
I 2016-11-08T11:04:02.0201345+00:00: Event 9402 [Logary.Samples.main]
number => 9402
[12:04:02 DBG] Flushing to disk.
I 2016-11-08T11:04:02.0201345+00:00: Event 9403 [Logary.Samples.main]
number => 9403
I 2016-11-08T11:04:02.0201345+00:00: Event 9404 [Logary.Samples.main]
number => 9404
I 2016-11-08T11:04:02.0891350+00:00: Event 10000 [Logary.Samples.main]
number => 10000
[12:04:02 DBG] Flushing to disk.
The interleaved flushes shows the batching functionality of the File target in action.
This example represents the worst-case usage of the safest configuration.
I 2016-11-08T11:14:42.9071732+00:00: Event 1 [Logary.Samples.main]
number => 1
[12:14:42 DBG] Flushing to disk.
I 2016-11-08T11:14:42.9711735+00:00: Event 2 [Logary.Samples.main]
number => 2
[12:14:42 DBG] Flushing to disk.
I 2016-11-08T11:14:42.9781719+00:00: Event 3 [Logary.Samples.main]
number => 3
[12:14:42 DBG] Flushing to disk.
I 2016-11-08T11:14:42.9861770+00:00: Event 4 [Logary.Samples.main]
number => 4
[12:14:42 DBG] Flushing to disk.
I 2016-11-08T11:15:04.7635448+00:00: Event 10000 [Logary.Samples.main]
number => 10000
[12:15:04 DBG] Flushing to disk.
With this configuration, the File target would still batch other threads' Messages but since this example has a single thread producer, there's only a single Message available for the target every loop.
This is the least safe and most speedy option. Useful when you're shipping logs away from the node and configure those shippers in a safer manner. In this case, .Net and the operating system and the device drivers decide when to flush.
On exit/dispose of Logary, all targets are always flushed.
[12:32:05 INF] Event 1
[12:32:06 INF] Event 10000
[12:32:48 DBG] Shutting down Logary.
[12:32:48 DBG] Flushing to disk.
In this example, the actual time taken is dominated by the time to generate the messages.
- Unit test rotation code
- Then enable rotation
- Harden against exceptions during writes – mock FileSystem
Logary also includes a logging target for Google Cloud Stackdriver.
The target can be configured like so:
open Logary.Targets.Stackdriver
let projectId = "your gcloud project id"
// either a custom name, or you can use one of the well-known stream names that you can retrieve from [the lists](
// this name doesn't have to be url-encoded as per the spec, the target will do that for you
// the specified log should exist before use
let logname = "the stream you want to log to"
// create your monitored resource:
let resource = ComputeInstance("my zone", "my instanceId")
// or container:
// let resource = Container("my cluster", "my namespace", "my instanceID", "my pod", "my name", "my zone")
// or appengine:
// let resource = AppEngine("my moduleId", "my version")
let conf = StackdriverConf.create(projectId, logname, resource)
Then, within withTargets
Stackdriver.create conf "target-name"
Finally, within withRules
Rule.createForTarget "target-name"
- batching
- flushing
- the underlying library doesn't provide a flush mechanism yet
conf => conf
.Target<Debugger.Builder>("internal.debugger", tb => tb.UseForInternalLog())
.Target<Logary.Targets.Console.Builder>("internal.console", tb => tb.UseForInternalLog())
.Target<AliYun.Builder>("AliYunLog", tb => {
.ConfLogLocation("project", "logstore")
Target for Microsoft Azure AppInsights
logs the events as TRACE-messages (or Events/Metrics with a different MappingConfiguration).
You need to set the API-key first. Then when you go to Azure Portal
Application Insights and Overview -> Search
you should be able to find the targets from there.
Metrics goes to Metrics Explorer -> Add Chart -> Custom
. More info...
Use to extract logs from
let logger = Logging.getLoggerByName "EventStore"
let adapter = EventStoreAdapter logger
Use to extract logs from fssql-github.
let logger = Logging.getLoggerByName "FsSql"
let adapter = FsSqlAdapter logger
Suave from v2.0-rc1 uses the Facade. See the "Using logary in a library" to easily and in an automated manner extract logs and metrics from Suave.
Use to extract logs from Topshelf (Plain HTTP).
open Logary
open Topshelf.Logging
use logary = // ... create logary
let host = HostFactory.New(fun x -> x.UseLogary(logary))
Here's how you could configure the RabbitMQ target with C#:
conf => conf.Target
.EnableTls("./cert/path.pfx", "TopSecret12345")
// many more knobs to tweak if you continue dotting
Have a look at this example an example of how to configure the RabbitMQ target.
Here's how to replace your loggers:
using NLog;
// snip
private static readonly Logger _logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
using Logary;
// snip
private static readonly Logger _logger = Logging.GetCurrentLogger();
You can then use the extension methods on Logger
, available through the nuget
called Logary.CSharp
If you browse's blog you'll find another example of using Logary from C#.
You can add the Logary.Adapters.NLog
adapter to your NLog config to start
shipping events from your existing code-base while you're migrating:
////////////// SAMPLE LOGARY CONFIGURATION //////////
#I "bin/Debug"
#r "NodaTime.dll"
#r "Hopac.Core.dll"
#r "Hopac.dll"
#r "FParsec.dll"
#r "Logary.dll"
open Hopac
open Logary
open Logary.Configuration
open Logary.Targets
let logary =
withLogaryManager "Logary.ConsoleApp" (
withTargets [
LiterateConsole.create LiterateConsole.empty "literate"
// This target prints more info to the console than the literate one
// Console.create (Console.empty) "console"
] >>
withRules [
Rule.createForTarget "literate"
//Rule.createForTarget "console"
////////////// SAMPLE NLOG CONFIGURATION //////////
#r "NLog.dll"
#load "NLog.Targets.Logary.fs"
open NLog
open NLog.Targets
open NLog.Config
open NLog.Common
let config = LoggingConfiguration()
InternalLogger.LogToConsole <- true
InternalLogger.IncludeTimestamp <- true
let logaryT = new LogaryTarget(logary)
//logaryT.Logary <- logary
config.AddTarget("logary", logaryT)
let rule = LoggingRule("*", NLog.LogLevel.Debug, logaryT)
config.LoggingRules.Add rule
LogManager.Configuration <- config
// You'll get a logger in your app
let logger = LogManager.GetLogger("NLog.Example")
//////////// SAMPLE USAGE: ///////////////
logger.Info("Hello world")
// NLog's targets doesn't like this, but you can do it with the Logary target. Note that
// Logary doesn't evaluate any NLog layouts, but has its own template format.
logger.Info("Hello {user}! This is {0}.", "haf", "Mr M")
// you can also log data
let exceptiony() =
let inner1() =
failwith "Uh"
let inner2() =
let inner3() =
try inner3() with e -> e
let evt =
LogEventInfo.Create(LogLevel.Info, "NLog.Example.Custom", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"This is an unhandled exception")
evt.Properties.Add("user", "haf")
evt.Properties.Add("service", "web-alpha")
evt.Exception <- exceptiony()
logger.Log evt
logary.DisposeAsync() |> run
Will print something like:
[11:20:14 INF] Hello world
[11:20:14 INF] Hello haf! This is Mr M.
[11:20:14 INF] Hello world!
System.Exception: Uh
at FSI_0005.exceptiony () [0x00002] in <b5f7baf519d8404da7be7661e34a4e4a>:0
This is very useful for legacy software that's still using NLog.
Why Logary instead of one of the classic logging frameworks?
- You get semantic logging with Logary
- More targets to choose from
- Larger community of target writers
- Easier to write targets; they can crash and that's handled by Logary internally
- Support for zero-dependency usage through
- Better/more extensive
-based hierarchies - Targets can be decoupled from the network and Ack is a first-level primitive
- You get back an
that you can use to synchronise your calling code for when the log message is required to be durable; you can't do this with NLog or log4net - There's an object model you can use from the calling code
- Logary is F#, so it's easier to keep bug-free relative to many other languages
- Logary doesn't keep static state around; easy to refactor, easy to extend
Why Logary rather than Metrics.NET, the primary alternative?
In order to understand the differences, you first need to understand the
vocabulary. Logary uses the name Message
to mean either an Event
, a Gauge
or a Derived
. This comes from analysing the different sorts of things one
would like to ship from an app.
Starting with an Event
; this is the main value when you're logging (in fact,
it's Logary.PointValue.Event(template:string) that you're using.) An event is
like a Gauge at a particular instant on the global timeline with a value of 1
Which brings us to what a Gauge
is. It's a specific value at an instant. It's
what you see as a temporature on a thermometer in your apartment, e.g. 10.2 degrees celcius
. In the International System of Units (SI-Units), you could say
it's the same as 283.2 K
. Logary aims to be the foundational layer for all
your metrics, so it uses these units. A Gauge
value of your temperature could
be created like so Message.gaugeWithUnit Kelvin (Float 283.2)
or Gauge (Float 283.2, Kelvin)
A Derived
metric, like Kelvin/s
is useful if you're planning on writing a
thermostat to control the temperature. A change in target temperature causes a
rate of change.
Another sample metric could be represented by the name [| "MyApp"; "API" "requests" |]
and PointValue
of Derived (Float 144.2, Div (Scalar, Seconds))
, if the API is experiencing a request rate of 144.2 requests per
Armed with this knowledge, we can now do a mapping between Codahale's metrics and those of Logary:
(measuring instantaneous values) ->PointValue.Gauge(.., ..)
(measuring durations) ->PointValue.Gauge(.., Scaled(Seconds, 10e9)
(in nanoseconds)Meter
(measuring rates) ->PointValue.Derived(.., Div(Scalar, Seconds))
orPointValue.Derived(.., Div(Other "requests", Seconds))
(counting events) ->PointValue.Event("User logged in")
(tracking value distributions) ->PointValue.Derived
(with suffixes) andReservoir
Metrics like the above are taken from different sources:
At call site (e.g. "
happened", or "it took50 ns to connect
") -
At a process level, derived from
from different call-sites in your app (e.g. "The 99.9th percentile of '{time} ns to connect' is 145 ns"). -
At process level, taken from the operating system (Process is using 36.3% of CPU)
At a system level (e.g. the CPU utilisation is 0.352% – which can be represented as
let mhz = Div(Scaled(Hz, 1e-6)) in Gauge(Fraction (1300, 36800), Div(mhz, mhz))
as collected by Rutta's Shipper from a compute node.
The aim of Logary is to connect values from call-sites, to configurable derivations, such as percentiles(, potentially again to derivations), and finally to targets which can then store them.
- Both support structured logging
- Both run on .Net
- Logary is based on cooperative multithreading whilst Serilog is mostly lock-free concurrent
- Logary was built from running high-throughput distributed systems 24/7 in production and has learnt its lessons similar to Serilog.
- Logary can be run in multi-instance mode without using any global shared state (aka. statics), which is similar to Serilog
- Serilog's Enrichers = Logary's middleware
- Serilog's Sink = Logary's Target
- Targets in Logary tend to use IO completion ports/async-as-"green threads", AFAIK Sinks are running and calling out using synchronous/blocking APIs to a larger extent
- Logary supports flushing all targets (
) - Logary supports flushing a single target (
) - Logary supports backpressure (F#:
, C#:Task
) returned fromlogWithAck
. - Logary further supports backpressure by waiting for all targets to flush a
particular message (e.g. you should always block on Fatal messages to finish
logging) through
in C# (same method as above). - Logary's C# API doesn't support misconfiguring Logary, because it's been
built with chaining types together (going beyond the
return this
pattern) – similar to Serilog but with a more callback-oriented API. - Logary supports Metrics – Gauges, Derived values, Histograms, Reservoirs
- Logary supports Health checks out of the box
- Logary has built-in support for Windows Performance Counters metrics shipping
. - Logary provides a Facade for your libraries to depend on, to avoid dependency
hell forcing you to upgrade all your libraries whenever Logary changes (which
it does often, in order to improve!) – a single
-file that you version control yourself. - Logary supports Targets that batch, out of the box, similar to Serilog. The
Target is responsible for choosing how many
it can send at once. - Logary supports Targets that fail by restarting them
- Logary supports Targets' last will – use to handle poison Messages
- Logary is written in F#, Serilog in C#
- Logary has a C# API
. Serilog doesn't have a F# API - Logary supports adding structured data to metrics
- Logary's InfluxDb target supports fields and can batch multiple Windows Performance Counters or metrics into a single Measurement
- Logary has a JS-counterpart, logary-js which lets you log into
on the server; events and metrics. - Logary has paid support available if you need it.
- Logary supports the side-kick pattern, where you outsource your shipping of logs from your main process to a co-process through Rutta's Shipper and Router.
- Logary has
and the ability to instrument your code for sending timing information. - Logary has preliminary support for Zipkin.
- Both are awesome and @nblumhardt is an awesome dude. Use whichever you feel most comfortable with!
Rutta is software for shipping Messages between computers. Either from your own services or from Windows Performance Counters. This is useful if you want your services to ship all logs to a central point, before batching it and sending it off to InfluxDb. It's also useful if you want to firewall off a single subnet for certain processing and only have a single point ship logs and metrics.
- v1: Hard-coded supported target types. Initially we'll just support InfluxDB.
- v2: More configurable target configuration that supports any target.
This service can run in three modes; Shipper, Router and Proxy. Servers can be implemented using Hopac's lightweight servers. Communication is implemented using ZMQ and a binary serialisation format.
Bindings look may look like this:
Shipper -> Router
Shipper -> Proxy
Proxy -> Proxy
Proxy -> Router
On Windows you do ./rutta.exe -- --pub-to ...
- note the two extra dashes
before the parameter list. This is to avoid Topshelf munching the arguments
Enables log shipping from hosts that are not directly connected to the router nor to InfluxDB.
Should be spawnable on Unix. Should be service-installable on Windows using TopShelf.
Shippers CONNECT PUSH sockets to the Router's PULL socket. See
./rutta --push-to tcp://headnode:6111
During network splits, the sending PUSH socket blocks.
./rutta --pub-to tcp://headnode:7111
During network splits, the sending XPUSH socket drops messages.
Proxies take inputs from Shippers or other Proxies that publish Messages using XPUB sockets:
./rutta --pub-to tcp://headnode:7111
The Proxy is run this way, by providing a XSUB socket binding and a XPUB socket binding:
./rutta --proxy tcp:// tcp://
During network splits, the receiving XSUB socket drops messages.
You can then connect to the Proxy with a Router that routes it to the final Target (like InfluxDB in this example):
./rutta --router-sub tcp:// \
--router-target influxdb://user:pass@host:8086/write?db=databaseName
During network splits, the sending XPUB socket drops messages.
Implements Fan-In using PULL or SUB of Messages from ZMQ. Forwards internally to a Target.
V1 only implements the InfluxDB target.
BINDs a PULL socket on a specified NIC/IP and PORT. Configures a single internal Target that pushes the received data.
./rutta --router tcp:// \
--router-target influxdb://user:pass@host:8086/write?db=databaseName
During network splits, the listening PULL socket blocks.
BINDs a SUB socket on a specified NIC/IP and POST. Configures a single internal Target that pushes the received data.
./rutta --router-sub tcp:// \
--router-target influxdb://user:pass@host:8086/write?db=databaseName
Serialisation for Rutta is done using FsPickler. Since FsPickler uses a binary format, it should be assumed to break for any given minor upgrade of FsPickler.
Each ZMQ message contains a Message (see DataModel.fs) in the binary form given by the serialiser chosen.
Are you interested in maintaining a target? Let me know or file a PR demonstrating your work.
Assuming you have Ruby 1.9.3 or later installed:
git clone --recursive -j8 git://
cd logary
bundle exec rake
# first place your files here:
# tools/logary.pvk
# tools/logary.pvk.password
# tools/logary.spc
LOGARY_SIGN_ASSEMBLY=true bundle exec rake
# DEBUG=true LOGARY_SIGN_ASSEMBLY=true bundle exec rake
Clone it like above. Ensure you can build it. Open Logary.sln
. Make a change,
send a PR towards master. To balance the app.config files, try mono tools/paket.exe install --redirects --clean-redirects --createnewbindingfiles
Are you thinking of creating a new Target for Logary? It's a good idea if you can't find the right Target for your use case. It can also be useful if you have an internal metrics or log message engine in your company you wish to ship to.
- Create a new .net 4.5 class library in F#, under
and add that to Logary.sln. - Copy the code from Logary's
, which contains the basic structure. There are more docs in this file, to a file namedTarget_MyTarget.fs
in your new project. - Add a nuget reference (or project reference if you're intending to send a
PR) to
- Write your Target and your Target's tests to ensure that it works
- Remember to test when the call to your server throws exceptions or fails
- You should use Http.fs as the HTTP client if it's a HTTP target
When writing the Target, it's useful to keep these guidelines in mind.
- It should be able to handle shutdown messages from the shutdown channel
- It should not handle 'unexpected' exceptions, like network loss or a full disk by itself, but instead crash with an exception – the Logary supervisor will restart it after a short duration.
- Things that are part of the target API, like different response status codes of a REST API should be handled inside the Target.
- Don't do blocking calls;
- Convert
by using the Hopac conversion methods - If you need to block, use Scheduler.isolate so that your blocking call doesn't stop all Targets.
- Convert
- Choose whether to create a target that can re-send crashing messages by
choosing between
TargetUtils.{willAwareNamedTarget, stdNamedTarget}
- You can choose between consuming Messages one-by-one through
or in batches withRingBuffer.takeBatch
- If you take a batch and the network call to send it off fails, consider
sending the batch to the
and throw an exception. Your target will be re-instantiated with the batch and you can now send the messages one-by-one to your target, throwing away poison messages (things that always crash). - If your target throws an exception, the batch of Messages or the Message
you've taken from the
will be gone, unless you send it to the will channel. - Exiting the loop will cause your Target to shut down. So don't catch all exceptions without recursing afterwards. The supervisor does not restart targets that exit on their own.
- If your target can understand a service name, then you should always add the
service name from
as passed to your loop function. - The
contains a simple internal logger that you can assume always will accept your Messages. It allows you to debug and log exceptions from your target. By default it will write output to the STDOUT stream. - If you don't implement the last-will functionality, a caller that awaits the
Promise in
as returned fromlogWithAck
, will block forever if your target ever crashes. - If you need to do JSON serialisation, consider using
, which are vendored copies of Chiron and Aether. Have a look at the Logstash Target for an example.
When your Target is finished, either ping @haf on github, @henrikfeldt on twitter, or send a PR to this README with your implementation documented. I can assist in proof-reading your code, to ensure that it follows the empirical lessons learnt operating huge systems with Logary.
Logary is a production-grade logging and metrics library. We've also built targets that integrate with external paid services. These are listed here.
Learn how people use your app with the world's most advanced mobile & web analytics.
[Purchase today]( Mixpanel Target)
- Ship logs from your iOS, Android app
- Ship logs and handle user identification and unique-id tracking from web
- Use your own domain and server (over HTTPS)
- Logary listens on your server and forwards your events into Mixpanel
- Add granular server-side event filtering/enriching/correlation for better insights before shipping them onwards.
- Log web app usage even when Mixpanel is blocked client-side
We like open source – so in the purchase the reference source is provided so that it can be debugged like the rest of Logary.
This assumes you have an account at Mixpanel.
You can't rely on any one notification method for critical alerts. Get alert notifications via iOS & Android push, SMS, and phone calls; escalate automatically to team members if the alert is not acknowledged.
The Logary target for OpsGenie ensures that you can bring in your HealthChecks, Logging and Metrics into your daily operations.
- Connect using your own API key
- Make Logary events into new alerts
- Supports custom 'enrichers' to let you specify e.g. user, teams, recipients, tags, entity and notes, to name a few.
- Ready to use from both F# and C#
- Use derived metrics to create load-level alerts
- Stay on top of your infrastructure
- Avoid blacklisting your transactional e-mail service
This assumes you have an account at OpsGenie.
nuget Logary.Targets.Elmah.Io
Install-Package Logary.Targets.Elmah.Io
Configure just like you would any normal target.
open Logary
open Logary.Configuration
open Logary.Targets
open Logary.Targets.ElmahIO
withTargets [
// ...
ElmahIO.create { logId = "GUID_HERE" } ""
] >>
withRules [
// ...
Rule.createForTarget ""
Or from C#:
// ...
conf => conf.Target.WithLogId("GUID_HERE"))
You'll get the same view by logging this Message
type Tenant =
{ tenantId : string
permissions : string }
let exnMsg =
Message.event Error "Unhandled exception"
|> Message.setSimpleName "A.B.C"
|> Message.setFieldFromObject "tenant" { tenantId = "12345"; permissions = "RWX" }
|> Message.setContextFromMap (Map
[ "user", box (Map
[ "name", box "haf"
"id", box "deadbeef234567"
|> withException Message.addExn
This assumes you have an account at
SumoLogic is a hosted service (at about 99 USD per month) that unifies logging, metrics, analytics and dashboards in a single service. As such it's a perfect Target for Logary, since Logary supports both logs and metrics.
Have a look at @neoeinstein's Logary.Targets.SumoLogic for the official docs and a sample of how to use it.
nuget Logary.Targets.SumoLogic
Absolutely! You have two options;
Send a PR with your target that is of equivalent quality as the rest of the code-base, including documentation, code-doc, the C# builder API and a sample in this file. Then keep that code up-to-date when Logary evolves and your SaaS service changes its APIs.
Send me an e-mail and I'll target the target for you. Pricing: a small initial fee and then a monthly maintenance fee, you'll have a beautiful way of getting logs and metrics to your servers!
This is by far the easiest option and ensures that your Target is stable and easy to use for your customers. I'll even write some Markdown/HTML-formatted docs for your site about how to use Logary with your target.
You need to add a rebind to the latest F# version in your executable:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="FSharp.Core" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
Inspect the version specified in the Logary package and ensure that you have that exact version installed. Hopac is currently pre-v1 so it is often doing breaking changes between versions.
It's stable to run. The API is stable. We're still working the derived-metrics experience. We may introduce a few more ABI/API breakages before 4.0 RTM.
We're not doing pre-release versions because they make it impossible for other packages to be released as stable versions. But we need to work through Logary in production; as such you can imagine that qvitoo is taking the risk and cost of making v4.0 RTM as stable and reliable as can be.
For two reasons;
- Aether and Chiron are vendored in
and depend on it – it makes it easy for Logary types to be JSON-serialisable. - We may use it to parse the message templates in the future
We previously depended on Newtonsoft.Json, but that library is often depended on from other packages and we want Logary to be as free of dependencies as possible, in order to make it as stable as possible.
Hopac supports a few things that async doesn't:
- Rendezvous and selective concurrency primitives (select A or B)
- Negative ACKs instead of CancellationToken-s
We also wanted support for synchronous rendezvous between channels/job/alts/promises/etc. This still supports asynchronous operations towards the outside. Together it makes for an excellent choice for cooperating 'agents', like the Registry and Supervisor and Target Instance that we have in the library.
Besides the technical upsides, it's a good thing there's a book written about the concurrency model that Hopac implements – Concurrent Programming in ML which lets us get developers up to speed quickly.
Finally, our unit tests sped up 30x when porting from Async. The performance boost is a nice feature of a logging framework and comes primarily from less GC collection and the 'hand off' between synchronising concurrency primitives being synchronously scheduled inside Hopac rather than implemented using Thread/Semaphore/Monitor primitives on top of the ThreadPool.
You're better off following the examples in C# and using the Task-wrapped public APIs than going spelunking into the dire straits of Hopac and F#.
Just pull in Logary.CSharp
to make this happen. You'll also have to
open the Logary
To start with, if you're new to Logary, you can use logSimple
and it will work
like most other logging frameworks. So what are those semantics exactly?
Logary runs its targets concurrently. When you log a Message, all targets whose Rules make it relevant for your Message, receives the Message, each target tries to send that Message to its, well, target.
Because running out of memory generally is unwanted, each target has a
RingBuffer that the messages are put
when you use the Logger
. Unless all targets' RingBuffer
accept the
, the call to log
doesn't complete. This is similar to how other
logging frameworks work.
But then, what about the call to log? Behind the scenes it calls lockWithAck
and tries to commit to the returned Alt<Promise<unit>>
(the outer Alt, that
is). If the RingBuffer
is full then this Alt
cannot be committed to, so
there's code that drops the log message after 5000 ms.
Hence; logSimple
tries its best to log your message but if you app crashes
directly after calling logSimple
or your Logstash or other target
infrastructure is down, you cannot be sure everything is logged. The decision
was made that it's more important that your app keeps running than that all
targets you have configured successfully log your Messages.
The outer Alt
ensures that the Message has been placed in all configured
targets' RingBuffers.
The inner Promise
that the Message has successfully been written from all
Targets that received it. It ensures that your logging infrastructure has
received the message.
It's up to each target to deal with Acks in its own way, but a 'best-practices' Ack implementation can be seen in the RabbitMQ target. It's a best-practices Ack implementation because RabbitMQ supports publisher confirms (that serve as Acks), asynchronous publish and also durable messaging.
The C# signature of the above functions is as follows:
type Message =
static member LogWithAck (logger, message, bufferCt, promiseCt) : Task<Task> =
Alt.toTasks bufferCt promiseCt (Logger.logWithAck logger message)
and can be used like so:
var message = MessageModule.Event(LogLevel.Warn, "Here be dragons!");
// dotting Result blocks on the placing of the Message in Logary's buffers
// calling Wait on the inner task blocks on all configured targets
// flushing