folderGrid is a jQuery Plugin used for dynamic creation of folders and files structure in a grid format instead of tree.
images/folder.gif, images/leaf.gif
Create a div (or any container) and Fire folderGrid on the container eg:
<div id="folders"></div>
*mandatory options
*colModel : [
{index : '<index of the column in data>', colName : '<column name for the display grid>'},
*url : '<url to fetch the data>'
headerTitle : '<title for the grid to be displayed in header>' (default : '/')
openFileFn : function(){
// code todo with the single file
parentID : '<value to be sent to server to fetch initial files and folders>' (default : 0)
param : '<url-parameter to be sent to server for fetching data>' (default : 'id')
JSON Array
{"isFolder" : "<boolean>", "id" : "<unique value to fetch folder/file contents>", "<index of column1>" : "<value1>", "<index of column2>" : "<value2>", ...},
<div id="listing"></div>
colModel : [
{index : 'name', colName : 'Name'},
{index : 'size', colName : 'Size'},
{index : 'type', colName : 'Type'},
{index : 'modified', colName : 'Date Modified'}
url : 'getData',
headerTitle : 'My Favorities',
openFileFn : function(id){
alert('You have tried to open file with id - '+id);
parentID : 1,
param : 'pID'
data from url 'getData?pID=1'
{'id' : '2', 'isFolder' : 'true', 'name' : 'Folder1', 'size' : '', 'type' : 'folder', 'modified' : '4/6/2012'},
{'id' : '3', 'isFolder' : 'false', 'name' : 'File1', 'size' : '4KB', 'type' : 'file', 'modified' : '4/6/2012'},
{'id' : '4', 'isFolder' : 'false', 'name' : 'File2', 'size' : '5KB', 'type' : 'file', 'modified' : '4/6/2012'}
when double clicked on Folder1 row data from url getData?pID=2
{'id' : '5', 'isFolder' : 'false', 'name' : 'File3', 'size' : '7KB', 'type' : 'file', 'modified' : '4/6/2012'},
{'id' : '6', 'isFolder' : 'false', 'name' : 'File4', 'size' : '11KB', 'type' : 'file', 'modified' : '4/6/2012'}
when double clicked on a file custom function is triggered.
Copyright 2012, Sandeep Vemula aka bittu
Licensed under the GNU-GPL licenses. You must have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this plugin as COPYING.txt
If not, see