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Create Barebone App

The easiest way to get started with your barebone app is by using create-barebone-app. This CLI tool enables you to quickly start building a new barebone application, with everything set up for you. You can create a new app using the default template. To get started, use the following command:

# Using npm 
npx create-barebone-app

# Using yarn 
yarn create barebone-app

To create a new app in a specific folder, you can send a name as an argument. For example, the following command will create a new barebone app called blog-app in a folder with the same name:

npx create-barebone-app blog-app


create-barebone-app comes with the following options:

  • --use-npm - Explicitly tell the CLI to bootstrap the app using npm. To bootstrap using yarn we recommend to run yarn create barebone-app