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Game Model

Sintfoap edited this page Apr 28, 2022 · 18 revisions


The central class of the Game Model. Manages and updates all of the entities.


  • timer: the tick system that calls the update method every tick
  • entityList: the central list of entities
  • fileName: the filename to be loading and saving to
  • gameSpeed: the speed of the current game being played
  • scoreProperty: the current score of the game
  • computer: the computer associated with this game
  • numPlayerCitiesLeft: the number of player cities left
  • season: determines what background image to use and what weather events to trigger
  • deleteEntityList: the list of entities to delete on the next update
  • difficulty: the difficulty of computer
  • turnCount: the tick counter
  • rand: an instance of Random
  • makeWeather: a custom event for creating weather
  • onFireProjectile: a custom event for firing projectiles
  • selectedTroops: troops currently selected by user
  • selectedCity: the currently selected city
  • entityManager: when called, removes entity from view as well as model
  • gameOver: observer for game end logic
  • endGame: flag to set when game is ended


  • innitialize(Difficulty difficulty, String lvlName): starts a new game instance from the inputs given
  • selectTroops(Coordinate coord1, Coordinate coord2, Nationality nationality): selects troops within a certain coordiante box of a certain nationality
  • gameEnd(): checks to see if numPlayerCitiesLeft == 0 or if score == 0 or if player has taken over all enemy cities
  • load(String lvlName): loads the saved game from gamefile, populating entityList with the saved game's state
  • update(): iterates through the entity list and calls update on each entity object
  • deselect(): deselects currently selected troops and currently selected city
  • sendTroopsFromCity(City selectedCity, Corrdinate destination, double percentage): sends troops from city towards destination city
  • sendTroopsFromGround(ArrayList troops, Coordinate destination, DestinatioType destType): sends selected troops from ground to destination
  • deployTroops(boolean pointInCircle, Coordinate cityCenter, Coordinate destination, double percentage): sends troops from city to either a city or a point on the ground
  • save(String lvlName): save current state of game
  • makeWeather(): creates an instance of Weather
  • checkInBounds(Weather w): checks if weather is inside the screen, if not, kills it.
  • checkInWeather(Coordinate e): returns weatherType if troop inside weather
  • deleteTroopWeather(Troop troop): deletes troop in weather
  • nextInt(int lowerBound, int upperBound): custom random int function
  • getCityHit(Coordinate coordinate): returns city hit
  • checkInCity(Coordinate e): returns a boolean value indicating weather the coordinate is in a city
  • checkInCity(Coordinate e, boolean returnCity): returns the coordinate center of a city if the coordinate is inside the city.
  • moveTroopToField(ArrayList troops, Coordinate destination): assigns each troop an independent destination so that they form a circle on the field
  • deleteTroop(Troop troop): deletes troop from entityList
  • startTimer(): starts timer, thus starting the update loop and resuming the game
  • stopTimer(): pauses the timer, halting the update loop and thus pausing the game
  • instantGameover(boolean playerWin): ends game and notifies view of who won
  • instantAddTroops(): adds max troops to each player city
  • instantMakeWeather(): makes an instance of weather
  • renderProjectile(): notifies view to render projectile
  • fireProjectile(): generates a projectile


A class which creates methods used by the three different computer difficulties.


  • difficulty: the difficulty stored as an enum
  • turnCount: number of ticks elapsed
  • obs: computer observer


  • executeAction(Game game): looks at current state of game, and depending on what difficulty the computer is, will determine an action and execute said action
  • randomNumberGenerator(int min, int max): returns a double in between min and max
  • calculateAttackCity(ArrayList cities): determines what city in cities to attack


An enum which represents the difficulty of a computer


An interface for computer


  • renderTroops(ArrayList troops): allows the model to notify the view of troop changes


The class which all game entities extend


  • turnCount: number of ticks elapsed
  • location: the x, y coordinate pair for where the object is on the screen


  • update(): update method which updates attributes of object
  • serialize(DataOutputStream wr): a method to package and save object


Objects that consist of x, y coordinate points


  • xCoordinateProperty: x-position on coordinate plane
  • yCoordinateProperty: y-position on coordinate plane


  • figureNewCoordinate(double heading, double distance): determines a destination based off of heading and distance
  • round(double value, int places): rounds double to places number of digits
  • isNearThis(Coordinate comp): checks to see if coordinate is near comp coordinate
  • isEqual(Coordinate c): checks if coordinate that is passed in is equal to coordinate


A structure that creates troops and deploys them


  • population: number of troops in a city
  • nationality: states whether city is friendly, enemy, or neutral
  • selected: boolean value that determines if a city is selected for deploying troops or not
  • type: type of units produced by city
  • id: identifier of city
  • obs: observer that allows city to notify view of changes in state
  • turnCount: tick counter
  • game: reference to central game object
  • location: location of city
  • nextId: static current id used for id assignment


  • serialize(DataOutputStream wr): a method to package and save an entity
  • load(DataInputStream: rd, Game game): loads in city object
  • update(): hijacks the entity update method to update certain attributes of this
  • sendTroops(double percentage, Coordinate destination, CityType troopType): sends troopType troops according to the amount that the user has selected and decrements population accordingly
  • figureHeading(Coordinate destination): determines new heading based on current position and destination
  • fireProjectile(): generates a projectile that will kill an oncoming enemy within a range
  • recieveTroops(int amount, Nationality attackingType): decrements or increments population based on nationality of incoming troop


Types of city corresponding to what type troop they send out


A class that extends Entity to create moving entities


  • speed: the speed at which the entity traverses the screen
  • heading: the angle at which the entity as in the fourth Cartesian plane
  • destination: the coordinate point that is the endpoint for the entity


  • update(): hijacks the entity update method to update certain attributes of this
  • move(): updates x and y coordinates of entity based on speed and heading


An event that happens at random and has a random effect on troops


  • type: the type of weather
  • rand: instance of Random


  • update(): hijacks the entity update method to update certain attributes of this
  • load(DatainputStream rd, String entityType): loads in instance of weather
  • serialize(DataOutputStream wr): a method to package and save an entity


An enum representing the various types of possible weathers


Damaging projectiles sent out of cities to kill troops


  • damage: the damage of an projectile, typically set to one
  • destination: target
  • turnCount: tick Counter
  • location: current location
  • game: reference of game


  • serialize(DataOutputStream wr): a method to package and save an entity
  • load(DataInputStream rd): loads in instance of projectile
  • update(): hijacks the entity update method to update certain attributes of this
  • fireProjectile(City city): fires a projectile out of given city


Units which are sent to attack enemy cities and defend friendly cities


  • health: amount of damage that the troop can take
  • nationality: the side that this troop is on
  • selected: boolean value depicting if unit is in selected or not
  • TroopDelete: observer for what to do when troop needs deleted
  • destinationType: determines weather troop is being sent to city or not
  • troopType: troop type corresponding to sending city
  • game: reference to game
  • dead: flag to set on troop death


  • serialize(DataOutputStream wr): a method to package and save an entity
  • load(DataInputStream rd, Game game): loads in an instance of troop
  • update(): hijacks the entity update method to update certain attributes of this
  • collisionDetection(): checks if troop has collided with either another troop of the opposite nationality
  • figureHeading(Coordinate destination): figures heading based off of current position and destination

Design Review

Date: 4/8/22 || Reviewer: Isabelle Overton

  • Fix some minor formatting issues: completed
  • Add code link to wiki page: completed