- Start the game by clicking 'New Game' on the start screen.
- Use WASD to move Up,Left,Down and Right respectively. Multiple keys may be held for diagonal movement.
- Left click to attack in the direction of the cursor.
- Press ESC to pause the game.
- Title Screen starts a new game and moves to the other screens where their respective button has been pressed.
- Settings Screen sets variables to be used when starting the game that will be used at a later stage.
- Help Screen has code to display a series of gifs explaining how to play the game.
- High Scores Screen displays the current list of High Scores
- About Screen scrolls up like movie credits and displays the work done as well as crediting media sources.
- The Controls noted above move the Player in their respective directions
- Left Clicking triggers an attack.
- Enemies and Obsticles are distributed randomly around the screen.
- Enemies move toward the player when in range
- Enemies die when attacked
- Multi-screen movement is functional (ie the player can move to different segments of the level)
- All enemies are present
- All bosses are present
- Health for both enemies and players is displayed
- Score is tracked
- Pausing and pause screen are functional
- Serialization methods are implemented for each class and for World.java
- Saving is functional
- Unit tests are working and testing the first few lines of savegame.dat
- Loading is still full of bugs
- GUI is functional
- Game Files are being saved properly
- Death does not load from last save-point
- Secret Boss does not move
- The walking animation does not continue playing when walking between screens
- When dealing the final blow to an enemy, the attack animation does not play
- World.instance().setDifficulty() does not set the difficulty to the parameterized integer
- Loading systems aren't functional
Name | Username | Ownership Area | Hours Completed | Remaining Hours | Journal |
Ethan Collins | EthanCollins02 | Auxiliary Screens | 50hrs | 0hrs | Ethan's Journal |
Paul Alger | PaulAlger05 | Serialization | 33hrs 15 | 21hrs 45min | Paul's Journal |
Seth Meyer | smeye584 | Level Builder | 45 hrs | 5 hrs | Seth's Journal |
Tripp Lawrence | Tripp312 | Basic Game Play | 48 hrs 15min | 1hrs 45min | Tripp's Journal |