Made specially for WoW Classic, this small little addon will keep track of the top 50 players on your realm in the race to lvl60! Made compatible with WotLK and now the race is up to lvl80!
It will /who every 60 seconds to find the highest level players and notify you (in your chatframe) when players in top50 ding!
It also has a small UI frame you can keep open to see the #1, your own rank and the rest of the top50.
Just in case somebody dings within the 60 seconds time interval or for when you've been offline for a while,
It also uses hidden addon chat messages to receive updates from your guildies.
Due to the SendAddonMessage
restriction, it is not possible to send data over custom channels.
You can toggle the leaderboard window by either clicking the minimap icon or using /tcr
Though it's not required, if you want to show some love and support, PayPal/Paysera donations are most welcome at bkader[at]