Core: Laravel 8x
Admin Template: StartBootstrap
Permission/Role Lib: Laravel Permission v5
Activity Logs Lib: Laravel-activitylog v3
CSS Framework: Bootstrap 5
JS Framework: Vue.js v2, Chart.js v2
Other dev tools: laravel-debugbar, laravel-ide-helper
Get project from git
Create database, assumption we use mysql and create database name is lar8x-sb-admin
Create file .env
cp .env.dev .env
Edit config connect db correctly
Install composer package
composer install
Run migrate db
php artisan migrate
Run seeder, insert config and sample data in db
php artisan db:seed
Install js lib and build
- For Dev
yarn install && yarn dev
Or use npm
npm install && npm dev
- For Prod
yarn install && yarn prod
Or use npm
npm install && npm prod
Run clear config, cache
php artisan app:clear
Run test project
php artisan serve
Go to Front Front GUI
Go to Admin Admin Site
- Login with admin account: admin@gmail.com/123456Abc$
Cache config, route to optimize performance in production (optional)
php artisan app:clear
php artisan app:cache