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Babby's first toy lisp (scheme) interpreter

Based on the examples given in the SICP videos

and also on the SICP text's examples

Currently supported Scheme procedures and special forms are:
<, <=, =, >, >=, -, *, +, and, append, apply, begin, car, cdr, caar,
cdar, ..., caaaaar, cond, cons, cons-stream, define, delay, display,
eq?, even?, filter, fold-right, force, if, lambda, length, let, list,
list-ref, list-tail, map, newline, not, null?, number?, odd?, or, pair?,
remainder, reverse, set!, stream-car, stream-cdr, stream-null?, symbol?,

(Some more obscure variations of some special forms may not yet be supported)

Features include: tail-recursion optimization, noobish mark-sweep garbage 
collection, support for quotation (but not yet quasiquotation), ...

To build the code, do:
$ make

To run interactive REPL mode, do:
$ ./lisp -i

To run a code file, do:
$ ./lisp <test.txt

The file `TODO' lists features that I might eventually add.

Example code files, available in the directory `test', are: 
test.txt, closure.txt, tco-test.txt, pattern-matcher.txt, var-args.txt,


Memory usage benchmarks (as of Aug 8, 2013)

These tests were made using valgrind --tool=massif
They show the approximate peak heap memory usage

Test program	      WL  	 WL w/o ST 	ts
-------------	      --         ---------	--
pattern-matcher.txt   1.009 MB 	 0.986 MB	361.7 KB
test.txt	      1.356 MB   1.333 MB	361.2 KB

WL 				"wannabe-lisp" (i.e. this interpreter)
WL w/o ST 			"wannabe-lisp" compiled without
				  the debug tracer (DISABLE_STACKTRACER flag)
ts				"tinyscheme" interpreter

This footprint could be (further) reduced by using smaller buffers in 
various places, and especially perhaps by implementing a more 
sophisticated garbage collector.


Some notes on special features

I. Special functions

- (leval quoted-exp) de-quotes and evaluates quoted-exp in the local scope.
  For example, (leval '(+ 1 2 3)) => 6.

- (max-space exp) evaluates exp in the local scope, returning a number
  indicating the peak number of stack frames used in the evaluation.
  See tco-test.txt for example code. TCO'd iterative processes will 
  return a constant space count; recursive ones will return a growing
  space count. max-space cannot be used recursively.

- (save-to 'file-name.txt) logs to a file.

- (load 'file.txt) loads code from a file.


II. Parenthesis autocomplete:

you type a big expression in the REPL, then hit return with 
an empty line and the missing parentheses will be automatically

]=> (define (bob x)
...    (cond ((= x 0) 123
...          ((= x 1) 456
... ))))


III. Auto-indent

The REPL auto-indents


IV. Debugging facilities

When user code crashes, it is possible to be presented, upon request,
with a useful printout showing a trace of recently evaluated list 
structures as well as the values of the symbols involved in these.

The trace printout grows downwards from outermost, least-recently-evaluated
list, up until the list structure that caused the error.

[ The constant BUFLEN (by default 5) in stacktrace.c sets the maximum number of 
  evaluation steps memorized by the debug-tracer, and the constant SYMLEN,
  by default 8, sets the maximum number of symbols memorized. ]

Below is an example session.

	]=> (define (derp l n)
	...    (if (= n 0)
	...       (cadr l)
	...       (derp l (- n 1))))

	]=> (derp 123 10)

	Error: `cdr' expects a linked-list
	A debug log has been prepared. Type (debuglog) to see it.

	]=> (debuglog)
	===== DEBUGGING INFO  =====
	Evaluation trace:
	(if (= n 0) (cadr l) (derp l (- n 1)))
	(= n 0)
	(cadr l)
	(car (cdr x))
	(cdr x)
	derp: #<CLOSURE:0x109e630>
	n: 0
	=: (PRIM-OP =)
	l: 123
	-: (PRIM-OP -)
	cadr: #<CLOSURE:0x109e630>
	x: 123


babby's first lisp (scheme) interpreter







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