Sneak.In is a sneaker marketplace that allows registered users to buy, sell, and comment on sneakers from other users. The app has real-time messaging functionality using, allowing users to communicate with each other. Sneak.In is currently under development, with plans to continuously improve and add new features in the future.
- User registration and authentication
- Buying and selling of limited edition sneakers
- Commenting on sneakers
- Editing and deleting user listings
- Profile section with order history
- Personal messaging
- React
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
To run the app locally, you'll need to have Node.js installed on your computer. Clone the repository and navigate to the project folder in your terminal. Then run the following commands:
npm install
cd client
npm start
The app is running on http://localhost:3000.
First you shoud make .env file in folder /server with variables -> CONNECTION_STRING | PORT | SECRET
cd server
npm start
cd socket
npm start
The app is running on http://localhost:8900.