This application provides the ability to send notifications from a provider to various distribution channels.
- JDK 17
- Node 16.15.1 (Recommended)
- NPM 8.11.0 (Recommended)
To compile the UI and create the jar file run:
./gradlew clean build
To build the docker images:
./gradlew dockerBuildAllImages
To build the zip file containing the orchestration files for deployment:
./gradlew createDeploymentZip
This section describes running the server locally.
Execute the one of the following commands which will build the source code and then start the server:
./gradlew runServer
Note: The server will be running locally over: https://localhost:8443/alert
These commands will start a webpack dev server that can access the backend for rapid UI development.
The UI files will automatically be reloaded if there are changes through hot module replacement.
./gradlew runServer
Note: The server will be running locally over: https://localhost:8443/alert
npm run start
Note: The webpack dev server will be running locally over: https://localhost:9000/alert
All releases are on the GitHub release page.
Our public documentation, including installation instructions, is located here: