formerly clippie
The eclipse gnome shell extension provides a ways to encrypt and access GPaste histories. Currently, the password/passphrase/pin is only limited to greater than 4 characters. Of course, depending on the sensitivity of the entry being encrypted a secure password should be used to encrypt your password entries.
The original purpose of this extension was to get some GPaste clipboard functionality back for Gnome 40. It has support for GPaste histories, and a More submenu to show all items in the history. A search feature is available in the main menu.
There is a lock/unlock icon on the left side of each item that can
be used to hide sensitive information. The extension will
encrypt entries with a password and once encrypted are preceded by a key icon.
When an encrypted item is decrypted, its contents are saved as a GPaste
password entry with the same label.
An encrypted clipboard entry (eclip) is automatically saved to disk in the ~/.config/eclipse/eclips directory. This behaviour can be changed or disabled in the preferences dialog box.
The extension uses dbus to communicate with the gpaste daemon.
eclipse uses openssl to encrypt entries and stores them back in the
current GPaste history in base64 encoded format. Encrypted items
are encoded as follows, with entries separated by ~~
~~eclipse~~Secret entry~~376f006d-6080-4d74-8606-8831cf5c5c69~~U2FsdGVkX181g3xGGkmuTdi90Orm7Wl30EXhHusS/vA0Xkhd50wqzNwttUHaZuys8ptDfvU4DqI7AuLbDsp0LCRvIcA2MBYBJ8KVgQyai9FYiMtX/Bhmn4Q2NDg7/C3fARnQNmYFoH6TyFnFk6PsbBdinimp/pdhzuh9JqlHR0E=~~
type: eclipse
label: Secret entry
uuid: 376f006d-6080-4d74-8606-8831cf5c5c69
eclip: U2FsdGVkX181g3xGGkmuTdi90Orm7Wl30EXhHusS/vA0Xkhd50wqzNwttUHaZuys8ptDfvU4DqI7AuLbDsp0LCRvIcA2MBYBJ8KVgQyai9FYiMtX/Bhmn4Q2NDg7/C3fARnQNmYFoH6TyFnFk6PsbBdinimp/pdhzuh9JqlHR0E=
When an item is encrypted, the original item is deleted using the GPaste uuid.
When the encrypted item is selected a dialog requests the encryption pass
phrase and decrypts the result, duplicating it in a GPaste password entry with
the same label as the encrypted item, in this example it would be [Password] Secret entry
The item is selected into the clipboard so once it has been used it can be
One benefit to this approach is that eclips are securely persisted in the clipboard history when changing histories, or restarting one's session. Note that GPaste Password entries are not persisted when changing histories.
The openssl command line utility must be installed to support encryption. The extension uses the following openssh commands for encryption and decryption respectively,
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -A -a -pass stdin
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -d -A -a -pass stdin
The password is never stored, and is passed to openssl using its standard input. At the command line the process would look like this,
# passord is passed in the first line to openssl's stdin, the encrypted data is
# everything else
$ echo -en "this is my passphrase\nand this is the secret that is being encrypted" \
> | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -A -a -pass stdin
# for decryption we do the same with the passphrase in the first line and the encrypted
# base64 data following
$ echo -e "this is my passphrase\nU2FsdGVkX19DMZlELabFmSs1dbzyPEJE+JmkqgmDfjtmDGXGRcNMhuYZ1fyUyN3+eiJFXlJQYlsNlHIt9EcCVA==" \
> | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -d -A -a -pass stdin
and this is the secret that is being encrypted
Make sure gpaste-client is installed, and the daemon is running. For encryption support you also need openssl to be installed. For example, on Fedora,
# ubuntu sudo apt install gpaste openssl
# optional dconf-editor
$ sudo dnf install gpaste gpaste-ui gpaste-libs openssl
$ gpaste-client daemon-reexec
Install from github using something like the following,
$ mkdir ~/github
$ cd ~/github
$ git clone
$ cd eclipse
$ ./
Restart the shell or logout and login.
The extension is installed in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
Clicking the indicator icon brings down the main menu. If there are more than 20 entries a More...
menu is created for the remainder. You can search by content or password name in the search box.
The lock icon indicates a GPaste [Password]
entry so it is hidden until selected and pasted. Click on
an unlock icon to encrypt a clipboard item with a pin/password/passphrase. Click on a key icon
to decrypt the encrypted item with the password you used for its encryption. If you encrypt something and
forget the password it's gone man, like keys in a lava flow. When a clipboard icon is decrypted it
is shown as a GPaste [Password]
item. Click on lock icon to rename a password entry. Click on the 'X'
icon on the far right to delete the clipboard item.
Preferences button can be found to the right of the search entry in the main menu.