This is a Library Management System (LMS) built with Node.js and Express.js, designed to provide comprehensive functionalities for both clients and administrators.
Separate Client and Admin Portals: The system includes separate portals for clients and administrators, each with its own set of functionalities and access permissions.
Secure Authentication and Authorization: Users can securely log in to their respective portals, with authentication and authorization mechanisms in place to control access to different features based on user roles.
Comprehensive Admin Features:
- Manage Book Catalog: Admins can list, update, add, and remove books from the library catalog.
- Handle Requests: Admins can approve or deny checkout and check-in requests from clients, ensuring smooth management of book lending activities.
- Admin Privileges: Admins have the authority to approve or deny requests from users seeking admin privileges, ensuring controlled access to administrative functions.
Client Functions:
- View Available Books: Clients can browse the list of available books in the library catalog.
- Request Checkout and Check-in: Clients can request to borrow books by checking them out and return them by checking them in, all managed by the admin.
- View Borrowing History: Clients can view their borrowing history, providing transparency and accountability in their interactions with the library.
Secure Password Storage: User passwords are hashed and salted before being stored in the database, ensuring robust security measures to protect user accounts from unauthorized access.
JWT-based Session Management: The system implements session management using JSON Web Tokens (JWT), providing stateless authentication without relying on external libraries like express-session.
git clone
cd finalLMS
npm install bcrypt cookie-parser dotenv ejs express express-async-handler express-validator jsonwebtoken mysql2 nodemon
npm start