OpenCAMLib (ocl) is a c++ library with python bindings for creating 3D toolpaths for cnc-machines such as mills and lathes. From August 2018 OpenCAMLib is released under LGPL license.
- repository
- mailing-list
- IRC-channel #cam on
- coding standard (?)
to clone, build and install install the library and run the following:
$ git clone git:// $ cd opencamlib $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../src $ make (try make -j4 for a faster build if you have a multi-core machine) $ sudo make install
if you also want to build the documentation, then run:
$ make doc $ make doc-pdf
this should create the ocl manual named "ocl-manual.pdf" in the build/doc directory
using cmake and cpack it is possible to build a binary .deb package with:
$ make package
For uploading debian source-packages to the PPA there is also a custom target:
$ make spackage
The build directory opencamlib/build can be wiped clean ("rm -rf *") and cmake run again if/when you want a clean build.
(generate this with 'tree -dL 2'):
├── cpp_examples c++ example use of opencamlib │ ├── point minimal example of ocl::Point ├── debian files for building a debian package ├── doc documentation (not much here yet!) ├── lib useful python helper libraries ├── scripts python scripts that test or demonstrate use of ocl │ ├── issues │ ├── ocode old linear octree code │ ├── offset-ellipse relates to BullCutter drop- and push-cutter │ ├── old │ └── voronoi vd scripts/tests ├── src │ ├── algo algorithms under development │ ├── attic old deprecated code │ ├── common common algorithms and data-structures │ ├── cutters cutter-classes │ ├── dropcutter drop-cutter algorithms and operations │ ├── geo primitive geometry classes (point,triangle,stlsurf, etc.) │ └── voronoi ├── stl STL files for testing └── Windows Visual-studio project for building on windows
(these notes are about 8 years old now and should be updated for relevant OSs)
- install 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04LTS
- run update manager and install all suggested updates. reboot.
- using synaptic or apt-get, install the following packages(and their dependencies)
- build-essential
- cmake
- subversion
- doxygen
- texlive-latex-base
- libboost-all-dev
- checkout ocl from svn
- instructions:
- in the /src directory, first run "cmake ." then "make" and then "sudo make install"
- this should build and install ocl correctly.
To run this in Docker, simply run:
$ docker build . -t opencamlib $ docker run -it -p 5900:5900 -e VNC_SERVER_PASSWORD=TestVNC --user cam --privileged opencamlib
Then simply open up a VNC socket connection. With Mac, you can just open Finder, then run CMD + K.
Type in "vnc://localhost:5900" as the server address, and type "TestVNC" as the password.
Right click on the desktop terminal that shows up and you can open up a terminal inside there. This is a easy and quick way to get started with opencamlib, while still maintaining all the functionality