A pure go (no cgo) on-disk "struct-oriented" embedded DB, with a simple, friendly, and general API.
Simple: 0 dependencies, entire API shown in the example below, ~800 LoC implementation
Friendly: pure go so cross-compiling is easy, "just works" with no config, straightforward API
General: simple doesn't mean limited, most functions take functions/types as params to allow for flexibility without the added complexity of a query building API, relying instead on built-in Go language features and type system (see querying and indexing below).
go get github.com/blobbybilb/gobble-db
Core API Overview:
// T is the type of the struct you want to store
OpenCollection[T](db DB, name string)
collection.Select(func(T) bool) -> []T // function param should return true for elements you want to retrieve
// first function param should return true for elements you want
// second function param should return the modified element
collection.Modify(func(T) bool, func(T) T)
collection.Delete(func(T) bool) // function param should return true for elements you want to delete
// Indexing:
// T is the type of the struct your collection holds, K is the type of the index
// The function passed should return the value you want to index on, given a struct of type T
// This gives you the flexibility to index on any field, part of a field, a combination of fields, etc.
func OpenIndex[T, K](*Collection[T], func(T) K) -> Index[T, K]
index.Get(K) -> []T
// (Note: most of these functions also return an error type, not shown here)
Take a look at this example covering all the functionality:
package main
import (
// Define your data type
// Most structs containing data only would work, but they need to be serializable by the gob package
// Gobble does not require you to do any gobble-specific configuration to your data types
type Shape struct {
Name string
NumSides int
SideLengths []int
func main() {
db, _ := gobble.OpenDB("test-db")
// Pass in your struct as a type parameter, now you have a collection of that struct
shapes, _ := gobble.OpenCollection[Shape](db, "shapes")
// Start inserting data
shapes.Insert(Shape{"Square", 4, []int{4, 4, 4, 2}})
// To query data, pass Select a function that takes in your struct and returns a boolean <-- that's a "query" function
// query: func(Shape) bool -> ([]Shape, error)
result, _ := shapes.Select(func(shape Shape) bool { return shape.NumSides == 4 })
fmt.Println(result) // result is a slice of Shape structs
// To update data, pass Modify a query function, and a function that takes in your struct and returns a modified struct <-- that's an "updater" function
// query: func(Shape) bool, updater: func(Shape) Shape
func(shape Shape) bool { return shape.NumSides == 4 },
func(shape Shape) Shape { shape.SideLengths[3] = 4; return shape })
// To delete data, pass Delete a function that takes in your struct and returns a boolean
// query: func(Shape) bool
shapes.Delete(func(shape Shape) bool { return shape.NumSides > 10 })
// Indexing
// Indexing speeds up querying by storing a hash map of keys to slices of structs in-memory, without an index queries need to scan the entire collection
// Indexing does come with a memory and a (small) write performance cost, but read performance is greatly improved
// Indexing is done by passing in a function that takes in your struct and returns a value to index on <- that's an "extractor" function
// The first type parameter is the type of the struct, and the second type parameter is the type of the index (in this case, string)
// collection: *Collection[Shape], extractor: func(Shape) string -> (Index[Shape, string], error)
nameIndex, _ := gobble.OpenIndex[Shape, string](&shapes, func(shape Shape) string { return shape.Name })
// Now you can query the index by passing Get a value of the type that your extractor function returns (in this case, string)
// key: string -> ([]Shape, error)
// You can do more with indexes
// This index has a key type of int (that represents the sum of the side lengths of the shape)
// collection: *Collection[Shape], extractor: func(Shape) int -> (Index[Shape, int], error)
perimeterIndex, _ := gobble.OpenIndex[Shape, int](&shapes, func(u Shape) int {
sum := 0
for _, l := range u.SideLengths {
sum += l
return sum
// You can query it the same way, but with an int key
// Other functions
shapes.Number() // Returns the number of elements in the collection
nameIndex.Num("Square") // Returns the number of matching elements
nameIndex.Del("Square") // Deletes all elements that match the key
nameIndex.Mod("Square", // Modifies all elements that match the key, takes an updater function
func(s Shape) Shape { s.Name = "Still a Square"; return s })
Performance is not a priority; minimal development overhead is. That said, it should be fast enough for small-to-medium-sized projects (10k-100k items in a collection). Using some very rough benchmarks (like ~OoM):
- Inserting 10k items takes about 1-2 seconds
- Querying for ~5k of those takes about 0.5-1 seconds (not indexed)
- Querying for ~5k of those takes about 0.1-0.2 seconds (indexed)
- Querying for 1 of those takes about 0.00001-0.00003 seconds (indexed) (not indexed is about the same as for 5k not indexed)
- Modifying 5k of those takes about 1-2 seconds (not indexed)
- Deleting 5k of those takes about 0.5-1 seconds (not indexed)
- Indexing 10k items takes about 1-1.5 seconds
Nope. Too much complexity for the goal of this project.
If your "production" use case allows you to consider a library as new and not popular as this one, then yes, it will probably be production-ready enough for your use case. It's meant to be simple enough that any bugs surface quickly and are easy to fix.
It uses the Go "gob" binary data format, and it's supposed to be simple and friendly, so gobble-db.