Python script for generating a list of anagrams from a word list
Usage: python [-h] [-w WORDLIST] [-o OUTPUT] [-m MINLETTERS] [-c] [-x] [-p] [-v]
- -h, --help Show help message and exit
- -w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST Text file containing word list to analyze. If not specified, will search for system dictionaries in common locations.
- -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Text file to write output to.
- -m MINLETTERS, --minletters MINLETTERS Minimum number of letters in a word for it to be considered for anagram search. Minimum is 2. Default is 4.
- -c, --ignore-captials If set, ignore capitalization (words that differ by capitalization will be considered anagrams. Has no effect if -i, --exclude-capitals is set.
- -x, --exclude-capitals If set, discard any capitalized words (proper names).
- -p, --print If set, print output of anagrams to stdout. Set regardless if no -o, --output specified.
- -v, --verbose If set, make output verbose output.