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A CLI tool / library used for collecting information about devices running Windows OS


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WinScraper 1.0.0

A CLI tool / library used for collecting information about devices running Windows OS.

Getting Started

git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt

Compiling to Binary

  1. auto-py-to-exe.exe --no-ui -c .\resources\auto-py-to-exe-config.json -o .\output\
  2. Open the link in the terminal
  3. Click CONVERT .PY TO .EXE
  4. Run the application from a terminal: ./output/winscraper.exe

Using as a Library

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from src.winscraper import WinScraper

    WinScraper(cpu=True, ssid=True, software=True)

Using as a CLI Tool

winscraper.exe  [-h] [--system] [--cpu] [--ram] [--harddrive] [--interface] [--ssid] [--startup-software] [--installed-software] [--pid] [--all] [--hardware] [--network] [--process] [--software] [--uncategorized]

Help Views

  1. Run ./ -h for information about commandline usage
  2. Run WinScraper() (or ./ without any args) for information about library usage

Commandline Usage Help

usage: Collect a plethora of information about this device and everything related to it.
[-h] [--system] [--cpu] [--ram] [--harddrive]
[--interface] [--ssid] [--startup-software]
[--installed-software] [--pid] [--all]
[--hardware] [--network] [--process]
[--software] [--uncategorized]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --system              Collect device and system information
  --cpu                 Gathers information about the CPU such as the number of cores and their utilization
  --ram                 Collects information about the devices RAM consumption and resources
  --harddrive           Collects information about disks and partitions as well as their usage
  --interface           Collects information about the devices network adapters, assigned IP addresses, MAC addresses and more
  --ssid                Collects saved SSID and their associated passwords if such exists
  --startup-software    Scan the windows registry for software which is executed at startup
  --installed-software  Scan the windows registry for installed software
  --pid                 Collects all process names and IDs
  --all                 All modules (everything)
  --hardware            All hardware modules
  --network             All network modules
  --process             All process modules
  --software            All software modules
  --uncategorized       All uncategorized modules

Library Usage Help

#   Collector                     Shell Long Option     Instance Parameter
1.  Everything                    --all                 all=True

2.  Hardware                      --hardware            hardware=True
2.1 CPU Collector                 --cpu                 cpu=True
2.2 RAM Collector                 --ram                 ram=True
2.3 Harddrive Collector           --harddrive           harddrive=True

3.  Network                       --network             network=True
3.1 Network Interface Collector   --interface           interface=True
3.2 SSID Collector                --ssid                ssid=True

4.  Process                       --process             process=True
4.1 Process ID Collector          --pid                 pid=True

5.  Software                      --software            software=True
5.1 Startup Software Collector    --startup-software    startup_software=True
5.2 Installed Software Collector  --installed-software  installed_software=True

6.  Uncategorized                 --uncategorized       uncategorized=True
6.1 System Information Collector  --system              system=True

No collector selected. You must select at least one selector.
If running from the CLI, use the -h flag for help.


For new features raise an issue and wait for permission

For fixes make a pull request.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


A CLI tool / library used for collecting information about devices running Windows OS







No packages published
