This project aims to provide Vagrantfiles and inventories to use with Vagrant.
It mainly targets the libvirt KVM hypervisor. However, it also provides (limited) compatibility with VirtualBox.
To setup your hypervisor, refer to your distribution documentation and the Vagrant installation guide.
To install the module vagrant-libvirt:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
Clone the project in a directory of your hypervisor. Enter the directory and
setup the configuration file vagrant.yml
bluebanquise-vagrant$ cd tiny-hpc-cluster/
tiny-hpc-cluster$ cp vagrant.yml.example vagrant.yml
Edit the configuration file to match your needs. The profiles are kept in the
directory. This project ships with a single profile, but you can add
any additional profiles in this directory. The name of the profile to use in
is the name of the directory.
Once setup, run vagrant:
tiny-hpc-cluster$ vagrant status
tiny-hpc-cluster$ vagrant up <your_first_management_node>
tiny-hpc-cluster$ vagrant ssh