An API to swap to mask frontal facial features of one image onto another facial image's fontal frame
- This program has been tested only with Python 2.7, it's performance in Python 3.x is....x :)
- Make sure all python modules modules in the requirements.txt are properly installed and functioning
- You might need to POSTMAN or other similar alternatives to make an HTTP POST request to the API.
- Run the face_mash_api.py file
- The field names to use in POSTMAN are:
- face_frame: The frame image on which the mask image will be laid (type-> file)
- face_mask: the mask image to be laid on the frame image (type -> file)
- dir_name: directory to hold input and output files (type -> text)
- Now, make a POST request to the API which will be running on port:8080 by default to test it out. The full url is: