Assistant bot for teachers to manage the studying process in telegram chat
/help -- displays main features of the bot
/start -- the one who starts the bot is considered a teacher and has higher privileges
/stop -- only teacher can stop the bot
/present name1 name2 -- will increase the presence count for listed students by one. Name1 1 Name2 3
/grade <+- or 0-10> name1 name2 -- rule's 1st argument is an option + (for prepared students) or - (for unprepared students) Name1 ++ Name3 -
/random -- saves you the trouble of choosing who will go to the blackboard Name2
/ignore name0 -- specified users are no longer considered students
/register every student presses this button student name0 registered
/timer N -- sets the timer for N minutes Timer set for 5 minutes … Times up!
/lesson title -- begins a lesson
BOT_TOKEN -- your telegram bot token