pseudo 3D game
open in editing mode
To run mandatory part: 'make && ./cub3D map.cub'
To run bonus part: 'make bonus && ./cub3D bonus/map.cub'
To make a screenshot: add '--save' to 2 previous commands
To modify the map: open map.cub or bonus/map.cub for bonus part
R - stands for window resolution (if greater than screen size -> reduces to screen size) C - stands for ceiling color in RGB (for bonus part is substituted with sky box) F - stands for floor color in RGB NO - stands for north wall texture path. (You are free to modify it if you have xpm files or you can have the same texture at every wall) SO - stands for south wall texture path. WE - stands for west wall texture path. EA - stands for east wall texture path. S - stands for sprite texture path. B - stands for another sprite texture path. (just for bonus map)
You are free to change the order of keys as long as there are no double keys or unsupported keys. Keep in mind that map should always be the last in the config. file and the config file should always end with '.cub' extension (in case you want to make your own config file).
Map itself consists only of several possible symbols otherwise it will be consider invalid:
' ' - empty. space outside of the maze 0 - empty space within the walls 1 - walls 2 - sprite 3 - another sprite (for bonus part) N - player position with spawning orientation to north S - player position with spawning orientation to south W - player position with spawning orientation to west E - player position with spawning orientation to east
Note that map can't be divided with empty lines and walls must enclose player in the maze. If there is a hole in a wall map will be considered invalid
Example of a valid map: (remove 3 to get a valid map for mandatory part)
111111111011000001110000000020001 100000000011000301110111100011111 11110111111111011100000010001 1110111111111011101010012001 1100000011010101110000010201 10002000000000001100000010201 10000000000000001101010010001 11000001110101011111011110N0111 11110111 1110101 101111010001 11111111 111111 111111111111
W - move forward S - move back A - move left D - move right
left arrow - turn left right arrow - turn right escape - close the game
Bonus part controls:
H - put HUD on/off
- decrease amount of HP
- increase amount of HP mouse to the left border of the screen - turn left mouse to the right border of the screen - turn right
Main goal: drink sprite in cans to increase HP drink sprite in bottles to decrease HP enjoy the music walk around the maze contemplate walls and the sky