Accurate Darcula color scheme for the VIM editor. Works well with CoffeeScript projects. Can be used in 256 color mode.
Updated the popup colors to be easier on the eyes.
Darcula color support has now been added to the Janus Vim Distribution ( Follow the instructions for installing Janus and simply enable syntax highlighting by creating/updating your ~/.vimrc.after file.
syntax enable
colorscheme darcula
Copy darcula.vim into
(Unix) orvimfiles/colors/
(Windows).$ cp darcula/colors/darcula.vim ~/.vim/colors/
Update your .vimrc file to enable highlighting.
syntax enable
colorscheme darcula
Add the following content to the .vim/after/syntax/coffee/coffee.vim
file. This configuration is required with most
VIM CoffeeScript syntax highlighters in order to properly color the '@' (this) symbol.
hi clear coffeeParens
hi coffeeParens NONE
syn clear coffeeParens
hi clear coffeeSpecialIdent
hi coffeeSpecialIdent NONE
syn clear coffeeSpecialIdent
hi clear coffeeCurlies
hi coffeeCoffeeCurlies NONE
syn clear coffeeCurlies
" Highlight the this symbol.
syn match coffeeThis "\v\@"
hi def link coffeeThis Keyword