Hi everyone FuseDDoS project status is cancel and out of dated but we have alternative project are better than this project
- Link: DDoSPacket for Windows
- Feature: Change type of attack data, mutilthread, Many Platform Support, ICMP Support, Customable Attack size you can try!
FuseDDoS Version 3 with C#! and Best of Testing Flood Layer 4!
- NET FRAMEWORK 4.6.1 (trying to ask in issues for downgrade net)
FuseDDoS Version 2 and 1 Created for Edu and testing server but Version 2 and 1 is not good sending and LOW rate to sending!
FuseDDoS Version 3 Creating from C# are good rate code and going to support with other OS! So version 2 and 1 is using batch to creating,
FuseDDoS Version 3 are open source and free edit~
So this will very illgeal to attack other server if you not are owner or have any permission, or read Q&A
FuseDDoS version 3 will send unicode to overheat any server!
Format: dd/mm/yyyy
- 2/12/2021 - FuseDDoS Version 3 (Release v1.3.0) Read more in Release.
- 25/11/2021 - FuseDDoS Version 3 (Release v1.2) Read more in Release.
- 22/11/2021 - FuseDDoS Version 3 (Beta v1.1) Read More in Release.
- 21/11/2021 - FuseDDoS Version 3 (Beta v1.0) Read More in Release.
- 20/11/2021 - FuseDDoS Version 3 (Beta v0.7) Read More in Release.
Now have just 4
- Flooding UDP
- Slow-Rate-Attack UDP
- SYN Flooding TCP
- HTTP flooding HTTP [not done]
- HTTP Flooding
- HTTP Proxy Attacking.
- Bigspammer Proxy!
- 1 window = 10-20K req still try 2-3 window for 40-60K req
- Q: Why not having to having select proctool?
- A: We using DNS that are support with TCP and UDP!
- Q: i trying attack but server not down what happends?
- A: Look a reason this!
- Making to sure you have a good pc or server spec.
- Some version maybe having problem try downgrade a version! if work please contect in issues bar to fix it!
- ISP maybe block many packets from you pc
- Really in task manager maybe show 500 mbps - 1Gbps but server will get 100-300 MBPS From limited Package of you internet ISP!
- If ISP you is good maybe you Wifi are problem! 2.4GHz is bad for it (Recommends to using 5Ghz or lan!)
- If you are pro of C# you can edit for free! from Fork github or Download! (If editing is working please ask in issues bar to update with new version!)
- Q: (Law asking time!) What happends if i ddosing a server without allowed?
- A: This will happends!
- If you attacked on big server there no way to get attacked!
- If you attacked and making owner or he or her lost money and customer owner/he/her will asking in law and asking police for it.
- 80% owner program ddos will not asking in law if him write tos in program!
- After you get email/SMS/Call/Paper about this you need asking owner/he/her in online or police station.
- If lucky. owner/he/her is okay to agree it you maybe not get bad history on profile. or maybe get!
- If unlucky owner/he/her will using law to you are prsion! (Computer law.) (1 month to 10 year) (Fine 1000$ - 100000$ up to lost in bussines)
- If lucky after you quit from jail you maybe agreed to playing computer!
- But if unlucky you maybe cannot using internet or computer (can but very limited) if you need to using you need wait 1 - 5 year!
- Q: how i did ask a issues
- A: click a issues bar and report we!