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About application


Local development

cp .env.example .env
make init
make dev

Application will be running under localhost:63851 and http://gha-analyzer.blumilk.localhost/ in Blumilk traefik environment. If you don't have a Blumilk traefik environment set up yet, follow the instructions from this repository.


Before running any of the commands below, you must run shell:

make shell
Command Task
composer <command> Composer
composer test Runs backend tests
composer analyse Runs Larastan analyse for backend files
composer cs Lints backend files
composer csf Lints and fixes backend files
php artisan <command> Artisan commands
npm run dev Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run build Compiles and minifies for production
npm run lint Lints frontend files
npm run lintf Lints and fixes frontend files
npm run tsc Runs TypeScript checker


service container name default host port
app gha-analyzer-app-dev 63851
database gha-analyzer-db-dev 63853
redis gha-analyzer-redis-dev 63852
mailpit gha-analyzer-mailpit-dev 63854