A project created with love using React, Redux, SCSS, Eslint, StyleLint, Prettier, Webpack, Html5. This page documents all steps that are necessary to get this project up and running.
- React 16.8.x
- Redux 4.x.x
- Webpack 4.x.x
- Babel 7.x.x
- Bootstrap v4.3.x
- jQuery v3.3.x
- Hot Module Replacement
- Uses Pre-Commit Hook for
- Runs Pretifier
- Runs Eslint Fix
- Runs StyleLint Fix
- Eslint
- StyleLint
- Preetier
- SASS/SCSS using
- Js Minification for Production
- css Minification for Production
- Code Splitting usnig
- Async/Await support
- Test Coverage
- Standard commit message template on
git commit
- Nodejs: > v8.12.0 (LTS) (Install Nodejs)
- Prefered Dev Machine: MAC (OSX) but can be done in any operating system
git clone https://github.com/bmnepali/react-redux-starter.git
Go to the project directory:
cd react-redux-starter
Then run command to install project dependencies
npm install
or simplynpm i
Configure the standard git commit template
git config --local commit.template "./.git-commit-template"
- Run the following command to run the project
npm run start
npm run test
npm run test:watch
npm run test:coverage
npm run test -- -u
(To update the previous component's snapshots)
npm run lint:style
npm run lint:style:fix
npm run lint:js
npm run lint:js:fix
npm run pretify
npm run test:debug
git commit
(and it automitically lints, pretifies js and scss)
Where all our production ready project source code is stored. Mostly we dont touch this branch. Except for deployment.
Where all our testing is done. Which means QA will use this branch for testing the solutions. After all things are ok, we merge staging in to master and deploy application. QA will only use this branch.
Where our latest development code is kept. It holds the currently developed features after the Pull Request are approved by devs working on their separate feature branches.
It contains the task wise features developed by one or more developer. Which once approved will be merged into develop branch. E.g: RRS-1001-some-awesome-feature (If you can reflect the task name as branch name, will be better!) But also remember your branch name mnust be concise and as sort as possible.
- Buddha Man Nepali info@bmnepali.com.np