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Its really simple you just need to push the ViewController by a static method with content and options:

      .presentShareViewController(from: self,
                                  shareContent: shareContentWithoutMetaData,
                                  options: shareOptionsNoMetadata) { (completed, updatedContent) in

##Share options

Options to customize the popup

public struct ShareOptions {

  // Buttons tint color
  public var tintColor: UIColor?

  // Composer title
  public var title: String

  // Dismiss button text
  public var dismissText: String

  // Completion button text
  public var confirmText: String

  // Parse link metadata and show image
  public var showMetadata = true

  // Keyboard appearence
  public var keyboardAppearance: UIKeyboardAppearance


Content to present to user

public struct ShareContent {
  // Starting text - and after a send is tapped the resulting text of user input
  public var text: String

  // If you want to specify a URL to the content - This url does no show in the editor
  // With this url the metadata will be fetched
  public let link: NSURL?

  // If you are sending a message to a specific user add it here
  public let destinationUserId: String?


BOShareComposer is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "BOShareComposer"


Bruno Oliveira,


BOShareComposer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.