This is a new project dedicated to creating a Free and Open Source OSRS reflection client.
osrsclient can be easily built using the Apache Ant build script included in the repository.
git clone
ant -f osrsclient clean jar
Make sure you have JRE 1.7+ installed, and the java executable in your path variables. java -jar osrsclient/dist/RSClient.jar
If you would like to contribute to osrsclient, fork this repository and work on your changes in your fork. Make a pull request against this repository once you've made your changes.
-OSRS Hiscore lookup, showing progress to next level and experience totals
-OSRS (Zybez) Market lookup, filter offers by type
-Notepad for storing info, pasting quest guides, etc
-IRC Chat client, supporting multiple IRC servers at once
-Full reflection integration (XP trackers, potion timers, etc)