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The UnknownTable class

Bryan Oakley edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 1 revision

The UnknownTable class is for tables that aren't one of the recognized robotframework tables (test cases, keywords, settings, variables). The robotframework parser recognizes tables when it finds a heading (eg: *** <table name> ***) but ignores any tables that aren't one of the supported table types. Robotframework-lint retains these tables so that it is possible to write rules against them.

The UnknownTable class has the following attributes:

  • linenumber contains the line number in the suite or resource file where this table begins
  • name contains the name of the table
  • parent contains a reference to the parent (suite or resource file) that has this testcase
  • header is the raw text of the table header (eg: *** Settings ***)
  • rows is a list of rows; each row is a list of cells;