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Rahman init.lua


Because I use build from source, this is the Debian package that I have to install

  • Debian Linux
sudo apt-get install ninja-build gettext cmake unzip curl xsel systemtap-sdt-dev build-essential ripgrep fd-find renameutils

For further information, just look at Building Neovim

pkg install neovim termux-api nodejs-lts curl build-essential ripgrep fd unzip renameutils

Because in termux the package is not as complete as linux so just install whatever is there, just use pnpm error, use yarn is lazy, in the end just use npm again, because building from source also doesn't work in termux


Keyboard Shortcuts

Mode Key Shortcut Description
Visual J Move the highlighted code to the bottom using visual mode
Visual K Move the highlighted code to the top using visual mode
Terminal Alt+n Terminal go to Normal Mode
Terminal Alt+h Terminal go to Normal mode and jump to left window
Terminal Alt+j Terminal go to Normal mode and jump to down window
Terminal Alt+k Terminal go to Normal mode and jump to up window
Terminal Alt+l Terminal go to Normal mode and jump to right window
Normal Space+s Replace all names with the same
Normal Space+ex File Explorer (Keyboard Shortcuts)
Normal Space+nh No highlight
Normal Space+sv Split window vertically
Normal Space+sh Split window horizontaly
Normal Space+se Make split window equal
Normal Space+sx Close current split window
Normal Space+tx Close current tab
Normal Space+to Open new tab
Normal Space+tn Go to next tab
Normal Space+tp Go to previous tab
Normal Space+h Jump to left window
Normal Space+l Jump to right window
Normal Space+k Jump to up window
Normal Space+j Jump to down window
Normal Ctrl+d Jumps down half a page but the cursor stays in the middle
Normal Ctrl+u Jumps up half a page but the cursor stays in the middle
Normal n Used if you are looking for something and then highlight what you are looking for, use this and the cursor will always be in the middle (down)
Normal N Used if looking for something if you have found it, use this then the cursor will always be in the middle (up)
Normal Space+Space Reload lua configuration
Normal space+y Copy paragraph
Normal y1 Copy words
Normal t2 Highlight words
Normal Space+p Highlight and copy the sentence/word/paragraph then you highlight the sentence/word/paragraph and paste it there
Normal Space+vd Open diagnostic
Normal [d Diagnostic go to next
Normal ]d Diagnostic go to prev
Mode Key Shortcut Description
Normal K Lsp Hover
Normal Space+vrn Lsp rename
Normal Space+vrr Lsp buf references
Normal Space+vca Lsp buf code action
Normal Space+gf Lsp buf format
Normal Ctrl+h Lsp buf signature help
Normal gd Lsp buf definition
Normal Space+ff Telescope find files
Normal Space+fg Telescope live grep
Normal Space+fc Telescope grep string using nvim input
Normal Space+fb Telescope buffers
Normal Space+fh Telescope help tags
Normal Space+gc Telescope git commits
Normal Space+gfc Telescope git commits for current file/buffer
Normal Space+gb Telescope git branches
Normal Space+gs Telescope git status
Normal Ctrl+k Telescope move selection previous
Normal Ctrl+j Telescope move selection next
Normal Ctrl+q Telescope send selected to qflist and open qflist
Normal Ctrl+b Cmp mapping scroll docs up
Normal Ctrl+f Cmp mapping scroll docs down
Normal Ctrl+Space Cmp mapping complete
Normal Ctrl+e Cmp mapping abort
Normal Tab Cmp snippet select next item
Normal Shift+Tab Cmp snippet select previous item


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