A simple script to download files from prusaslicer urls and then open them with OrcaSlicer (or another program with a simple edit).
This has only been tested with a rather vanilla Ubuntu 22.04 and Firefox.
cp open_prusaslicer_urls.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
sed -i -e "s:PATH:$(pwd):" ~/.local/share/applications/open_prusaslicer_urls.desktop
xdg-mime default open_prusaslicer_urls.desktop x-scheme-handler/prusaslicer
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/
You might need to edit open_prusaslicer_urls.py
and replace OrcaSlicer
with another program name, or the full path to the slicer.
When pressing a "Slice" button on printables.com, the browser might ask which program to use to open it. Choose "System Handler".