Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Bo Frederiksen
Copyright (c) 2008 Dan Peverill
Copyright (c) 2005 John Resig
The MIT License
Tabs are controlled with links. Each link has a target that it is attached to and specified
as an #anchor in the href attribute. Example: <a href="#tab">tab</a>
. The #anchor
is the id of the actual target.
Tabs can be grouped or single. Grouping tabs you specify the parent class of the tabs with the "tabs" class. For a single tab just add the class "tabs" to it.
Active tabs given the class "active" by default. Inactive tabs have no class. You may specify the default active/inactive tabs by adding the class "active" to any of them in your HTML.
Tab targets are automatically shown and hidden as you click the appropriate tabs. You can control this behavior with callback functions (see below). It is up to you to style the tabs and tab targets with CSS. This script only toggles the active class on tabs and shows/hides the tab targets.
You may add custom tabs yourself with Tabs.create(tabs, callbacks)
Callbacks is an optional argument. Callbacks is an object with two optional properties: click, show. These options are a function that handles the appropriate callback. Each callback can accept two arguments, the click event and the currently active tab target. "this" refers to the tab. click: This callback is triggered just as a tab is clicked. Returning false cancels the entire event. show: This callback is triggered after the active class and tab has been set, but just before the tab targets are shown. Returning false means you handled the showing/hiding of the tab targets.