( (__) ) ⠃ ⠃ ⠃ ⠃ ⠃ ⠃ '--.
|'--..--'| Like CowSay, only its a bog roll. <|
| :| ⠰ ⠰ ⠰ ⠰ ⠰ ⠰ /
| :|--""----""----""----""----""----""---""-./
'.__ __;'
Just for fun.
Install go, clone the repo or whatever & run the following.
Build the thing
go build
Use arguments..
./rollsay Hello, World
..or use pipes
echo "Hello, World" | ./rollsay
The bog roll will prefer arguments (first example) over piped data if arguments are provided.
Nothing? There's gotta be something.. Maybe check issues or something?