A sample code to play with my spectrogram algorithm via web service.
Please refer to https://www.trotsenko.com.ua for the description of my invention (spectrogram algorithm).
go install github.com/bohdantrotsenko/spectrum@latest
ffmpeg -i your_media_file -t 0:2:00 -ar 96000 -ac 1 -sample_fmt s16 temp.wav
where -t 0:2:00
limits duration to two minutes,
-ar 96000
sets audio sampling rate to 96khz,
-ac 1
makes it mono
and -sample_fmt s16
sets format to 16bit PCM.
You can also specify e.g. -ss 0:0:15
to set the starting point in your_media_file
and use other options.
curl --data-binary @temp.wav https://fra.trotsenko.com.ua/v1 > temp.bin
Note that the service logs IP addresses and hashsums of the payload.
will have a sequence of arrays.
Each array contains 456 bytes, each corresponding to frequencies
(24.499715, 24.856071, ..., 17485.357994)
(note the geometrical progression).
Each array corresponds to 40 samples of input as is normalized.
cat temp.bin | spectrum | ffmpeg -y -i temp.wav -r 30 -i - -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 17 -vf fps=30 -profile:v high -level 4.2 -c:a aac temp.mp4
You can then open temp.mp4 for viewing.