Tumblpy is a Python library to help interface with Tumblr v2 REST API & OAuth
- Retrieve user information and blog information
- Common Tumblr methods
- Posting blog posts
- Unfollowing/following blogs
- Edit/delete/reblog posts
- And many more!!
- Photo Uploading
- Transparent Python 3 Support!
Installing Tumbply is simple:
$ pip install python-tumblpy
from tumblpy import Tumblpy
auth_props = t.get_authentication_tokens(callback_url='http://michaelhelmick.com')
auth_url = auth_props['auth_url']
OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET = auth_props['oauth_token_secret']
print 'Connect with Tumblr via: %s' % auth_url
Once you click "Allow" be sure that there is a URL set up to handle getting finalized tokens and possibly adding them to your database to use their information at a later date.
# OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET comes from the previous step
# if needed, store those in a session variable or something
# oauth_verifier and OAUTH_TOKEN are found in your callback url querystring
# In Django, you'd do something like
# OAUTH_TOKEN = request.GET.get('oauth_token')
# oauth_verifier = request.GET.get('oauth_verifier')
authorized_tokens = t.get_authorized_tokens(oauth_verifier)
final_oauth_token = authorized_tokens['oauth_token']
final_oauth_token_secret = authorized_tokens['oauth_token_secret']
# Save those tokens to the database for a later use?
# Get the final tokens from the database or wherever you have them stored
# Print out the user info, let's get the first blog url...
blog_url = t.post('user/info')
blog_url = blog_url['user']['blogs'][0]['url']
# Assume you are using the blog_url and Tumblpy instance from the previous section
posts = t.get('posts', blog_url=blog_url)
print posts
# Assume you are using the blog_url and Tumblpy instance from the previous sections photo = open('/path/to/file/image.png', 'rb') post = t.post('post', blog_url=blog_url, params={'type':'photo', 'caption': 'Test Caption', 'data': photo}) print post # returns id if posted successfully
# Assume you are using the blog_url and Tumblpy instance from the previous sections
# Like I said in the previous section, you can pass any object that has a
# read() method
# Assume you are working with a JPEG
from PIL import Image
from StringIO import StringIO
photo = Image.open('/path/to/file/image.jpg')
basewidth = 320
wpercent = (basewidth / float(photo.size[0]))
height = int((float(photo.size[1]) * float(wpercent)))
photo = photo.resize((basewidth, height), Image.ANTIALIAS)
image_io = StringIO.StringIO()
photo.save(image_io, format='JPEG')
post = t.post('post', blog_url=blog_url, params={'type':'photo', 'caption': 'Test Caption', 'data': photo})
print post
except TumblpyError, e:
# Maybe the file was invalid?
print e.message
# Assume you are using the blog_url and Tumblpy instance from the previous sections
follow = t.post('user/follow', params={'url': 'tumblpy.tumblr.com'})
except TumblpyError:
# if the url given in params is not valid,
# Tumblr will respond with a 404 and Tumblpy will raise a TumblpyError
t = Tumblpy()
avatar = t.get_avatar_url(blog_url='tumblpy.tumblr.com', size=128)
print avatar['url']
# OR
avatar = t.get('avatar', blog_url='tumblpy.tumblr.com', extra_endpoints=['128'])
print avatar['url']
except TumbplyError, e:
print e.message
print 'Something bad happened :('
Thanks for using Tumblpy!