This project contains a scheduled automated test for daily tracking jobs about Selenium, Cypress, Puppeteer, and Playwright on Linkedin.
This project aims to measure the popularity of tools typically required for automated testing jobs: Selenium, Cypress, Puppeteer, and Playwright. To that aim, it measures the number of times new job positions contain these terms on Linkedin.
Since the Linkedin API does not support a programmatic way to discover jobs, this project implements a scheduled automated test (based on Selenium) to request this information.
The main elements contained in this project are the following:
- Automated test. This test uses Selenium to drive a browser that requests the number of jobs mentioning Selenium, Cypress, Puppeteer, and Playwright) during the past 24 hours worldwide.
- Dataset. The number of jobs gathered by this automated test is written into a CSV (comma-separated value) file.
- Scheduled job. The test before is executed daily on GitHub Actions using a cron task. This job automatically commits the changes in the CSV dataset.
- Web page for results. The results are displayed using Chart.js, reading the data from the CSV dataset. The resulting web page is published automatically with GitHub Pages.
The automated job started to work on April 27, 2023. Since then, each day, the automated test gathers new data daily, and the resulting chart is automatically updated. Check out the resulting web page.
job-tracker (Copyright © 2023-2024) is a project created and maintained by Boni García licensed under Apache 2.0 License.