This is modification of code from an Instructable by TechKiwiGadgets
The purpose of the modification is to adapt the design to work with a HiLetgo (ILI9486) 480X320 TFT display.
And arduino Mega (
Additionally, because the display is not a touch display. Code has been added to use physical buttons to allow the time to be set on the clock.
The above photo is the clock in a 3d printed case. The case can be found on
There is a newer version of the case that can be found here:
There is a new version (V4) of the arduino code that makes Mario jump over the barrels. Mario also always goes up the ladder on level 4 in order to win the game.
Thanks again to Instructables and "TechKiwiGadgets" for his addition of an Arcade Game Clock (
I modified his code to work with the HiLetGo (ILI9486) 480X320 TFT display.
There is now code to set the clock with the buttons. I have not been able to make the large seven segment font to work.