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Ribomap is a package that generates isoform-level ribosome profiles from ribosome profiling data. Ribosome profiling is a recently developed high-throughput sequencing technique that captures approximately 30 bp long ribosome-protected mRNA fragments during translation. Because of alternative splicing and genomic repetitive sequences, a ribosome-protected read may map to many places in the transcriptome, leading to discarded or arbitrary mappings when standard approaches are used. Ribomap addresses this problem by assigning reads to potential origins in the transcriptome proportional to the estimated transcript abundance. This results in a more accurate estimation of the ribosome pileup compared to naive read assignments.

Prerequisites for Ribomap

You can use in the scripts folder to download the pre-compiled Sailfish and STAR executables from the github page.

cd scripts
./ os_type

Where os_type can be either linux or osx.

If you download the Ribomap binaries from the release page, STAR and Salmon executables and libraries are already included in the tar ball.

Please make sure that the PATH variabile contains <ribomap_dir>/bin, and that LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH on OSX) contains <ribomap_dir>/lib.

NOTE: The pre-compiled executables might not work for all versions of operating systems. If Salmon takes an extremely long time to finish, please refer to the online document of Salmon and build Salmon from source.

Compile from Source code



a C++ compiler that support c++11 features (for instance g++ >= 4.7) is required.

cd src
make riboprof INC="-I/opt/local/include"
make install

This will generate a c++ executable riboprof that assign ribosome profiling reads to transcript locations and copy the executable to the bin directory.

Please add the path for the prerequistite headers with flag INC="-I<path/to/include/>"

Run Ribomap

Run Ribomap with automatic transcript abundance estimation is an automatic pipeline for ribosome profiling data. It takes in the riboseq data and the RNA-seq data and automatically estimates the transcript abundance, then assigns riboseq reads to transcript locations based on the estimated transcript abundance.

Under the scripts directory, run:

  ./ [options]

The list of options are as follows:

  • --rnaseq_fq (required) Input RNA-seq read fastq.gz file for transcript abundance estimation.
  • --riboseq_fq (required) Input ribosome profiling (riboseq) read fastq.gz file.
  • --transcript_fa (required) Input trascriptome reference fasta file.
  • --contaminant_fa Input contaminant sequence fasta file.
  • --cds_range A text file that includes the coding sequence (CDS) range for all transcripts (see description below). If such an option is not provided, the transcript fasta file is assumed to only include the CDS regions.
  • --work_dir (default the parent directory of scripts) The working directory where all intermediate and final results will write to.
  • --nproc (default 15) Number of threads can be used by ribomap.
  • --adapter (default CTGTAGGCACCATCAAT) The linker sequence attached to the 5' end of the ribo-seq reads.
  • --nmismatch (default 1) Number of mismatches allowed in the read alignments.
  • --softClipping (default true) Whether reads are allowed to be soft-clipped by STAR when aligning to the transcriptome.
  • --min_fplen (default 27) Minimun read length to keep for downstream analysis.
  • --max_fplen (default 33) Maximum riboseq read length to keep for downstream analysis.
  • --offset (default 12) Offset location in a read that the ribosome P-site maps to, or a text file name that defines the P-site offset based on read length (see description below).
  • --rnaUnstranded (default false) Whether the RNA-seq protocol is stranded. If the RNA-seq protocol is unstranded, the librarytype to run Salifish is set to -l U; otherwise the librarytype is set to -l SF, and alignments with the RC flag set in the RNA-seq data are discarded.
  • --tabd_cutoff (default 0) Transcript abundance threshold to be considered expressed.
  • --useSecondary (default true) Whether multi-mapping alignments are used when assigning footprints to candidate loci.
  • --star_idx_dir (default $work_dir/StarIndex/) Directory to store Star index.
  • --alignment_dir (default $work_dir/alignment/) Directory to store alignment results output by STAR.
  • --sailfish_dir (default $work_dir/sm_quant/) Directory to store sailfish result.
  • --output_dir (default $work_dir/outputs/) Directory to store ribomap's outputs.
  • --force Force ribomap to regenerate all intermediate steps.

One example of using the shell script:

    ./ \
    --rnaseq_fq rnaseq.fq.gz \
    --riboseq_fq riboseq.fq.gz \
    --contaminant_fa contaminant.fa \
    --transcript_fa transcript.fa \
    --cds_range cds_range.txt

Please connect the parameter flags and the parameters with a white space.

  • CDS range file A plain text file that includes the CDS regions of transcriptome. Each line in the file should be in the following format:

     `transcript_id start stop`

transcript_id should be consistent with the transcript ID in the fasta file, start is the start base of the coding region in the transcript fasta file (zero-based), and stop is one base pass the stop position of the coding sequence.

  • offset file A plain text file that describes the read length and the P site offset for that read length. Each line in the file should be in the following format:

     `read_length P-site_offset`

Only a proper range of read length should be included, reads with a length not specified in this file will be discarded for downstream analysis.

Run Ribomap by providing the transcript abundance estimation file

Ribomap supports transcript abundance estimation files from Sailfish, Cufflinks and eXpress. Mapping the ribosome footprint can be performed providing any of the three transcript abundance esitmation files listed above.

Under the bin directory, run:

  ./riboprof [options]

The list of options are as follows:

  • -r | --ribobam Bam file of ribo-seq read mappings to the transcriptome.
  • -m | --mrnabam Bam file of RNA-seq read mappings to the transcriptome.
  • -f | --fasta Transcriptome reference fasta file.
  • -cds | --cds_range CDS range file.
  • -s | --sf Transcript abundance estimation produced by Sailfish.
  • -c | --cl Transcript abundance estimation produced by Cufflinks.
  • -e | --ep Transcript abundance estimation produced by eXpress.
  • threshold | --tabd_cutoff Transcript abundance threshold to be considered expressed.
  • -o | --out Output file prefix of Ribomap's result.
  • -p | --offset Offset location in a read that the ribosome P-site maps to, or the name of a offset file that specifies P-site offset for different read length.
  • -lmin | --min_fplen Minimun read length to keep for downstream analysis.
  • -lmax | --max_fplen Maximum riboseq read length to keep for downstream analysis.
  • -sec | --useSecondary Use multi-mapping alignments when assigning footprints to candidate loci.
  • -rc | --useRC Use alignments with the RC flag set in the RNA-seq data.

One example of using the executable:

    ./riboprof  \
    --mrnabam mRNA.bam --ribobam ribo.bam \
    --fasta transcript.fa --cds_range cds_range.txt \
    --sf quant.sf  --tabd_cutoff 0 \
    --offset 12  --min_fplen 27 --max_fplen 33 \
    --out ../outputs/ribomap \

Please connect the parameter flags and the parameters with a space.

Ribomap output files

Ribomap produces five output files:


The sub-codon resolution, nucleotide-level ribosome profiles including the UTR regions. Only transcripts with a non-zero total ribosome count are reported. Each entry of a specific transcript looks like this:

	refID: 0
	tid: YAL001C
	ribo profile: 0 0 0 74 68 ...
	mRNA profile: 31 35 50 73 87 96 104 ...
	normalized ribo profile: 0 0 0 1.0137 0.781609 0.0208333 0.125 ...
  • refID The transcript fai index in the transcriptome fasta file.
  • tid Transcript header name in the transcriptome fasta file.
  • ribo profile Nucleotide level ribosome profile including the UTR regions. Each number in the vector is the number of ribosome footprints whose P-sites are covering the corresponding base.
  • mRNA profile RNA-seq profile vector of the transcript. Each number in the vector is the read coverage count that are esimated on the corresponding base.
  • normalized ribo profile The ribosome profile vector after bias correction. Each number in the vetor is the ratio between the ribo profile count and the mRNA profile count.


The in-frame ribosome profiles within the CDS of each transcript.The file format is the same as the the XXX.base file.


The summarized statistics for each transcripts. Each entro of a specific transcript looks like this:

	refID: 0
	tid: YAL001C
	rabd: 3959
	tabd: 0.000209384
	te: 1.89078e+07
  • refID The transcript fai index in the transcriptome fasta file.
  • tid Transcript header name in the transcriptome fasta file.
  • rabd Ribosome loads, which is the total number of ribosome reads that are esimated from this trascript.
  • tabd Relative transcript abundance from Sailfish’s result.
  • te Relative translational efficiency, which is the ratio between rabd and tabd.


A list of transcripts whose total ribosome abundance is more than expected given the transcript abundance. There is one transcript record per row. The columns are defined as follows:

Column number Description
1 transcript header name
2 relative transcript abundance
3 total ribosome footprint count
4 pencentile ranking of the transcript abundance
5 percentile ranking of the total ribosome footprint count
6 difference between the transcript abundance rank and the total ribosome footprint count rank


A list of transcripts whose total ribosome abundance is less than expected given the transcript abundance. The file format is the same as XXX_abundant.list.

Test case

Run test case

Under the scripts directory, run:

  ./ automatically downloads the transcriptome fasta, gtf, ncRNA fasta, tRNA fasta to the directory $work_dir/ref/, and a RNA-seq data and a riboseq data to the directory $work_dir/fasta/. The transcriptome fasta file is preprocessed with a python script to excludes the following transcripts:

  1. transcripts without verified start codon
  2. transcripts with stop codon in the middle of the CDS region
  3. transcripts with duplicated sequences
  4. peptide sequence length less than 3 when the start and stop codons are not included

The CDS range file gencode.v18.pc_transcripts_cds.txt is also automatically generated by the same script from parsing the gencode fasta header lines. A contaminant fasta file human_contaminant.fa is built by a python script Biopython is needed to run the python scripts. also sets up the options for and automatically calls it.

Test case data sets

  • RNA-seq GSM546921
  • riboseq GSM546920
  • human transcriptome reference fasta gencode.v18.pc_transcripts.fa
  • human transcriptome annotation gtf gencode.v18.annotation.gtf
  • human non-coding rna fasta [Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.ncrna.fa] (
  • tRNA fasta [eukaryotic-tRNAs.fa] (


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  • C++ 80.3%
  • Python 9.8%
  • Shell 9.1%
  • Makefile 0.8%