based on Flow's Workflow Service and TektonCD
There has been an entire code base refactor from v3 to v4 for the engine. We suggest you read the following information to understand the full breadth of changes
This service connects to MongoDB and requires Task Templates and indexes loaded through the Flow Loader. You can run these locally, or alternatively connect to a remote MongoDB service.
docker run --name local-mongo -d mongo:latest
docker run -e JAVA_OPTS=" -Dflow.mongo.collection.prefix=flow" --network host --platform linux/amd64 boomerangio/flow-loader:latest
This project uses Gradle to compile
gradle build
docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t flow-engine:latest .
Note: these commands have been validated on an M1 Mac
docker run -e JAVA_OPTS=" -Dflow.mongo.collection.prefix=flow" --platform=linux/amd64 flow-engine:latest
The implementation is based on Tekton Params and Results.
There is limited support for Tekton Propagated Object Parameters in that Tekton requires you to provide the Spec for the JSON Object if you are going to reference child elements. We do not have this constraint, we essentially take the path from what is provided after params.<param-name>
For distributed locking, we use this distributed lock project with the Mongo implementation.
The implementation in
relies on the TTL Index for Retries having been added via the flow.loader
The following provides design and reference information about the status codes and error messages.
The format can be seen in
Field | Description |
timestamp | UTC timestamp of when the error occurred |
code | unique identifier (int) that can be read and understood that detect and handle errors programmatically. |
reason | unique identifier (string) that can be used to quickly identify and search for more information regarding the error. |
message | a description of the error intended for a human and an end user to provide context. |
status | HTTP Status Code & Message |
cause | Optional present if flow.error.include-cause=true config property is provided |
"timestamp": "2023-01-31T00:15:12.672+00:00",
"code": 1001
"message": "Invalid query filters(status) have been provided.",
"status": "400 BAD_REQUEST",
"cause": null
The implementation allows for known and custom exceptions in the code.
Known codes are indexed in the
with the message text in
. Alternatively, a custom exception can be thrown in the code however this will lose the benefit of localization (future)