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Custom Keycloak themes for React Sample SPA

This repository contains custom Keycloak themes (login, account) build with Keycloakify Vite-based starter. Currently, customizing emails with React is not possible, and you can use FreeMarker Java Template Engine instead

Testing themes locally


How to customize themes


Building themes

You need to have Maven installed to build the theme (The mvn command must be in the PATH).

  • On macOS: brew install maven
  • On Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install maven
  • On Windows: choco install openjdk and choco install maven (Or download from here)
npm run build-keycloak-theme

Note that by default Keycloakify generates multiple .jar files for different versions of Keycloak
You can customize this behavior, see documentation here

Project setup

Install the dependencies

Use npm to install the project dependencies:

npm install

Configure credentials

The Delete Own Account custom feature included into the Account theme requires the Keycloak credentials configuration to be made. The URL, Realm name, and Client ID should be added to .env file

To do this, copy the .env.example into a new file in the root folder, rename it to .env, and replace the values with your Keycloak credentials


Publising releases with GitHub Actions

The Keycloakify starter comes with a generic GitHub Actions workflow that builds the theme and publishes the jars as GitHub releases artifacts
To release a new version just update the package.json version and push it

To enable the workflow go to your GitHub repository, then navigate to: Settings > Actions > Workflow permissions, select Read and write permissions

Importing custom Keycloak themes

If you use Bitnami's Keycloak Helm chart you can leverage the initContainers parameter to load your themes

Add this configuration to values.yaml file:

  initContainers: |
    - name: realm-ext-provider
      image: curlimages/curl
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        - sh
        - -c
        - |
          # Replace USER, PROJECT, VERSION.    
          curl -L -f -S -o /extensions/keycloakify-starter.jar{USER}/{PROJECT}/releases/{VERSION}/download/keycloak-theme-for-kc-24.jar

        - name: extensions
          mountPath: /extensions

  extraVolumeMounts: |
    - name: extensions
      mountPath: /opt/bitnami/keycloak/providers

  extraVolumes: |
    - name: extensions
      emptyDir: {}

Happy Keycloak themes customizing!