Work in progress.
Provides a Java API that is similar to the examples found at []
- POJO Beans for sending Message objects into the MS Bot Connector REST API
ConnectorClient client = new ConnectorClient(APPID,APPSECRET);
Message message = new Message()
.withText("This is a test message from bots4j")
.putInBotConversationData("test1", "one")
Message reply = client.Messages.sendMessage(message);
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If you have a question about this project, or are experiencing a problem you're not sure is a bug please post a message to the Bots4J mailing list.
On the other hand if you're pretty certain you've found a bug please open an issue.
We welcome bug fixes and new features in the form of pull requests. If you'd like to contribute, please be mindful of the following guidelines:
- All changes should include suitable tests, whether to demonstrate the bug or exercise and document the new feature.
- Please make one change per pull request.
- If the new feature is significantly large/complex/breaks existing behaviour, please first post a summary of your idea on the mailing list to generate a discussion. This will avoid significant amounts of coding time spent on changes that ultimately get rejected.
- Try to avoid reformats of files that change the indentation, tabs to spaces etc., as this makes reviewing diffs much more difficult.