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System Manual

Ezgi Aysel Batı edited this page Jan 2, 2023 · 6 revisions

Running Docker Compose Instructions


1. Clone the project

git clone 

2. Navigate to the project

    cd bounswe2022group2/learnify/

3. Create a .env file

Your .env file shall include:

JWT_KEY: key to be used for jwt tokens generation. MAIL: mailaddress the API uses, currently only gmail is supported. MAIL_PASS: application password of MAIL, please refer to :

You can contact us for getting MAIL and MAIL_PASS used for our Milestone 1 presentation.

Semantic server

You should add API key used for semantic analysis API, please contact us for the required .env file.


No environment files are required.

1. Clone the project

git clone 

2. Navigate to the project

    cd bounswe2022group2/learnify/

Getting the server up

docker compose up command will get our frontend and backend clients up and running on your local.


Installing with a Pre-made APK

  1. Click the shared APK link on the device of your choice.
  2. Download the file to your device.
  3. Once the download is complete, click open file. The device will navigate you to installation.
  4. If you get a "potentially harmful" warning, kindly ignore. We promise we are not hackers :)
  5. Complete installation and the app will be installed just like all other apps.

Requirements for Creating APK

  • Latest Stable version of Flutter
  • Android Studio
  • Android Device OR Android Emulator

Creating APK

0. Check Requirements

Run flutter doctor to ensure requirements are installed without a problem.

1. Clone the project

git clone

2. Navigate to the project

    cd bounswe2022group2/learnify/mobile 

3. Create APK

   flutter build apk –-split-per-abi

This command creates 3 APK files in the repository:


Running the command without –-split-per-abi command results in one large APK, which is not recommended as it includes binaries not native to the device.

4. Prepare Device

Plug in your android device or start an emulator from Android Studio. Run flutter devices and observe flutter sees your device of choice.

4. Install on Device

    flutter install

This may take a while.



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